Wednesday, February 3, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210203 - Bezos Bug-Out Location, Climate Oops, Earthquakes

SPACE - S0 - 20210203 - Bezos Bug-Out Location, Climate Oops, Earthquakes

Good Morning, 0bservers!


A late jump in Particle Density late Monday night triggered the increase in solar winds we experienced starting early yesterday morning, rising from a starting low of around 350 KPS to around 550 by midnight UTC. It then decided to head further upward to a peak of 620 KPS before calming back a bit. Temperatures rose to around 5500K, whereas Particle Density moved almost immediately back down to more nominal readings. That early density was reflected in the KP-Index which had most of early yesterday morning in a minor geomagnetic storm (KP-4), which has calmed back down into the green levels since midday UTC. The GOES Magnetometer readings really dropped through the floor for a while yesterday, with readings around 35 nanoTeslas at one point. However, the chart appears to be returning to its more standard sine wave pattern. Proton Flux readings were nominal, and after a brief spike above the threshold we saw a return to normal on the Electron Flux charts. X-Ray Flux readings are pretty quiet, with the background level in the lower quarter of Class A flare range. No additional/new sunspots on the video loops, but the larger equatorial coronal hole is just passing the midpoint now. Might be seeing a secondary boost in solar winds from it come the weekend.
Apologies for the absence, folks - I was On-Call for my department last week (24/7 coverage) and posted a 63 hour week (actually, more like 70). Barely had the time to go boo, let alone check solar forecasts. Luckily, I'll only be doing that ever two months or so...
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Earth Rotation Changes | Advanced Catastrophism"


Please Recommend this page and be sure to follow the Sputnik's Orbit 


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