Thursday, February 25, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210225 - Ice Age Tipping Point, Space Weather, Venus

SPACE - S0 - 20210225 - Ice Age Tipping Point, Space Weather, Venus

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Yesterday's CME-boosted solar winds really didn't calm down all that much, taking instead a very slow up and down process between 450-520 KPS through most of yesterday (after the initial spike, anyway). Currently in the 440-460 KPS range. Particle Density and Temperature took a slow drop in the last 24 hours as well, but the Phi Angle has been all over the chart. This might explain the 12-hour minor geomagnetic storm showing up on the KP-Index overnight, which finally calmed back down to KP-3 levels around 0300 UTC. The Magnetometer touched the 40 nT threshold this morning after topping out at 120 nT for the second day in a row. Proton Flux readings are, as always, nominal, and the Electron Flux seems to be returning to that state as well after a few days above its own alert threshold. The X-Ray Flux seems to be holding the background level at lower Class B levels as yesterday, but with more spikes and flares hitting the middle of Class B. There's a new coronal tendril trying to develop in the North and connect to the polar region, while the much larger Southern hole approaches the midpoint. The sunspot in the North closest to the departing lim seems to be the most active, with its trailing companion seeming to destabilize and fade. Still seeing some activity in the Southern sunspot group as well, but not as pronounced.

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