Wednesday, February 17, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210217 - Extinction from Nature - Not Humans, Tricky Nova, Backwards Star

SPACE - S0 - 20210217 - Extinction from Nature - Not Humans, Tricky Nova, Backwards Star

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds took a definite upward turn yesterday around 1500 UTC, moving up from the day's low of 320 KPS to a peak of 460 KPS about five hours later. It's currently in the 420-440 KPS range after hitting 460 KPS again around 0500 UTC. Particle density was ahead of yesterday's speed increase again, but has dropped quite a bit in the intervening hours. Temperatures followed pretty much the same path. This one looks like it did have a Phi Angle boost, and apparently the one in the previous report did as well (misinterpreted that one, folks, sorry about that). The KP-Index calmed down from its three straight KP-4 readings early yesterday morning, staying in the more sedate KP-2/KP-3 range. The three-day NOAA chart has us in the calm range for that period as well, so the geomagnetic storm levels (KP-5 to KP-7) that Ben had predicted yesterday don't seem to be in the cards. The Magnetometer readings still peaked high yesterday as in the previous report, but the low-end readings were nominal, as were the Electron Flux/Proton Flux charts. The X-Ray Flux chart, on the other hand was a bit odd. After yesterday's early and brief spike, the actual background readings were appearing to surge into the middle of Class A. There are a few "bumps" indicating small flares, again in mid-Class A, but nothing that indicates strong sunspot activity. The video loop at 193Å was noteworthy, in that while watching the Southern coronal hole trying to connect with the polar hole, that connecting portion suddenly collapsed, but didn't generate a large spike in other readings. However, it was still pretty far South and it had not reached the midpoint, so any blowout from it will probably miss Earth as it is aimed far enough behind and below our orbit. Well, hopefully...

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