Monday, February 22, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210222 - Galactic Magnetic Reversal, Plasma Universe, Solar Wind

SPACE - S0 - 20210222 - Galactic Magnetic Reversal, Plasma Universe, Solar Wind

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Not much improvement to be seen from yesterday's report, I'm afraid. Solar wind speeds remained elevated, in the 550-630 KPS range all of yesterday, although it has calmed slightly since midnight UTC to the 550-580 KPS range. Particle density had gone down a bit yesterday, but rose again after midnight UTC, showing a sort of square wave motion instead of spikes or sine wave. The same is true for Temperature readings.  The Phi Angle is still shifting between 250° and 360°/0°. The KP-Index had us remaining in the minor geomagnetic storm range for 24 hours straight from Saturday to Sunday, with the later readings on Sunday dropping to KP-3 readings before popping back up to KP-4 after midnight UTC. The Magnetometer readings calmed a bit from yesterday, but not by as much as I would've liked. The Electron Flux actually climbed past the 10³ threshold yesterday, almost hitting 10⁴, while the Proton Flux remains delightfully dull. While the X-Ray Flux background did drop yesterday afternoon for a time, it hopped right back to its original level of mid-Class A, with a few small spikes that never caught up to the Class B line. The video loops show a small, thin coronal hole trying to develop near the centerpoint in the Southern hemisphere, but I'm not sure it's going to expand. The Northern Sunspot group is still heading toward central heliographic longitude, but what surprised me was a new Northern sunspot developing right AT the middle. It's far smaller than the one we can see on the video loop, I only found it when I checked the Magnetogram readings. Looks like Alpha complexity at this point, whereas the larger grouping still seems to be at Beta to Beta-Delta.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "MAGNETIC EXTINCTION | The World on Notice". 


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