Tuesday, February 9, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210209 - Solar System is Shifting, Magnetosense, Electroquake

SPACE - S0 - 20210209 - Solar System is Shifting, Magnetosense, Electroquake

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds hit their nadir around lunchtime UTC yesterday dipping below 400 KPS. However, a slight upward bump in Particle Density foreshadowed a new rise in the speeds a few hours later, jumping up to 480 KPS, then topping 500 KPS after midnight UTC. Temperatures also rose slightly around the same time. The Phi Angle looks like more like an interference pattern from a bad motor than a solar magnetism chart, frankly, but it doesn't seem to be driving much in the way of a negative effect. KP-Index readings remain green, primarily KP-1s and KP-2s, but we did have a single KP-3 reading just before midnight UTC. No anomalous readings for the Magnetometer, Electron Flux or Proton Flux. The X-Ray Flux did show a spike to just the bottom of the B Class flare range around 12:30 UTC yesterday, with another jump to mid-A Class around 0300 UTC. The video loops are finally working, and they're showing a honkin' great coronal hole developing in the South. It's already connected firmly to the polar hole and it's approaching the midpoint (with arrival Wed/Thurs). That hole is trailed by a day or two by a new small bright spot. Magnetogram readings are showing it does have mild to moderate magnetic complexity (Alpha definitely, Beta possibly). We'll know more when the full color (positive/negative) images provide better definition.

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