Saturday, February 20, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210220 - Solar Eruption Watch, Ice Age, Electric Weather

SPACE - S0 - 20210220 - Solar Eruption Watch, Ice Age, Electric Weather

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Looks like the Phi Angle has been messing around with the solar weather today. It was a bit scrambled in the morning, but then it calmed down after it created a rise (then drop) in Particle Density. However, solar wind speeds didn't ramp up until 8 hours AFTER that particle bump. It went from under 400 KPS to almost 540 KPS in three hours, and then dropped back down to 400 KPS by midnight UTC. It then jumped, again, two hours later to above 500 KPS, at the same time as the Phi Angle scrambled itself again. Yeah, it's a bit of a dog's dinner this morning. Temperature readings also followed wind speeds in their pattern, if not their intensity. As to the KP-Index, well, it's been mostly in the minor geomagnetic storm (KP-4) arena since midday yesterday, dropping down to KP-3 after midnight UTC for two readings before ramping back up again. The Magnetometer chart is doing its enhanced hi/lo roller-coaster readings, dropping under the base of 40 nanoTeslas again. The Proton Flux and Electron Flux stayed nominal. Hell, who am I kidding - they were dull as dishwater, and that's a good thing here. Also a good thing is the X-Ray Flux chart, which is showing fewer and smaller spikes when compared to the previous day, but it's still busy. The source of that activity appears to be at both the lim and the new sunspot group, with the former tossing some pretty energetic plasma around the solar skies and the latter bubbling and sparking slightly.

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