Thursday, February 18, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210218 - Triggering Cold, Gamma Ray Lightning, Older Mammoths

SPACE - S0 - 20210218 - Triggering Cold, Gamma Ray Lightning, Older Mammoths

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds eased back from their peak of 460 KPS just before noon UTC, now in the 400-410 KPS range. Temperature and Particle Density stayed steady to slightly lower, and the Phi Angle was far less jittery than previous days, although it still was moving from 0° to 200° and back for a while. Seems to be a bit more stable now, though. The KP-Index was green, mostly KP-2 readings. Nominal activity on the Magnetometer, Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts. The X-Ray Flux, though, is a bit of a queer duck. The baseline readings have continued into the upper Class A flare range for about three days now, but we're not seeing what could be reasonably called "flare activity". Just an increase in X-Ray output in general. The large Southern coronal hole is passing the midpoint as we speak, and I'm seeing a potential sunspot getting ready to cross the Eastern lim at about 35° North. Magnetogram readings can't see anything there yet, but there was an odd development of a proto-sunspot in the upper Northern latitudes, well passed the center. It's magnetic complexity is very basic, so I don't know what (if anything) this might do right now.
For our international readers/viewers, yesterday was a sad one for myself and many of my fellow citizens. America's Anchorman, Rush Limbaugh, died yesterday morning from complications due to Lung Cancer. Ts & Ps to him and his family.

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