Wednesday, February 24, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210224 - Colder Ice Age, Fake Clouds, Fantasy Animations

SPACE - S0 - 20210224 - Colder Ice Age, Fake Clouds, Fantasy Animations

Good Morning, 0bservers!

We saw a pretty significant drop in solar wind speeds starting around 1500 UTC yesterday, when it dropped from the 550-600 KPS range down to about 470 KPS by 0400. At that point, I think we got that glancing blow that Ben mentioned yesterday from the minor CME that was aiming (mostly) away from Earth the other day, which jumped us up to around 530 KPS. It's now in the 470-500 KPS range. This point was also marked by a pretty odd shift in the Phi Angle, which also had an effect on Particle Density (which was low but had a minor jump), and Temperature. The KP-Index remained mostly on the high side of the green range (KP-3) but we did get one KP-4 sneaking in at 0600 UTC following the jump in speed. The Magnetometer is back to its nominal readings, and the Proton Flux never left its steady state, but Electron Flux readings are remaining above the threshold, although it did finally dip below it for a few hours (first time in at least 60 hours) before going back up. Still seeing a lot of increase in the X-Ray Flux baseline, which appears to now be in the lower B Class flare range, but other than a couple of spikes yesterday afternoon indicating low-level flares (again, mid B Class) it wasn't as bad as the previous day. The new coronal hole in the South has connected with the polar hole and has gained strength and reach. It's still a day or two from crossing the midpoint, but it will be in range to hit us a few days after that. The two new sunspots are still sparking and flaring, but not nearly as much as the previous report. The older one is only now crossing the centerline, but the Magnetogram shows a pretty definite separation between positive and negative, probably alpha complexity at best, so our risk there is lower (but not gone, we all know how sneaky those bloody things can be sometimes). Eyes 0pen, folks...

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