Sunday, April 4, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210404 - Beaufort Gyre, Ice Age Triggers, Solar Forcing

SPACE - S0 - 20210404 - Beaufort Gyre, Ice Age Triggers, Solar Forcing

Good Morning, 0bservers!

   Happy Easter!
Calmer winds from the Sun today, pretty much starting around midnight UTC Saturday when it peaked at 410 KPS, with the current reading near the 320 KPS line (the lowest reading was 300 KPS). Expect a rise in speed later today/tonight as we catch some coronal hole output from a few days ago. There was an odd spike on the chart at 0130 UTC to 380 KPS, but it immediately went back down. Doesn't appear to be a Phi Angle issue, so I'm putting it down to an anomalous reading. Temperatures spent most of yesterday rising, but had a pretty sharp drop off around 0300 UTC today. Particle Density stayed on the low side all of yesterday, but there's a small  rise that seems to have started around 0700 UTC. KP-Index readings are very calm, riding the KP-1 level. The Magnetometer is in a very shallow sine wave pattern today, so we may see it have a stronger peak/valley pattern tomorrow. Proton Flux is nominal, and Electron Flux has returned to nominal. X-Ray Flux readings are a bit shaky since yesterday, but none of the spikes on the chart ever got up to the half-way point of the Class A flare row. In fact, the background radiation has been dipping below that level. Those bumps on the chart I first thought to be coming from a small sunspot on the North which has been outgassing into the solar atmosphere (but not beyond, so no impactful CME seemed to be produced). However, Ben correctly found a plasma filament in the South that didn't quite erupt but still caused some consternation on the charts (kudos for him finding what I missed). No new coronal hole development noted on the surface. You can see that small Northern sunspot does have Beta-level complexity, but it is small and the magnetic poles do show distinct separation. As for that new bright spot in the South that just turned in from the lim yesterday, the magnetic signal is jumbled and not distinctly formed yet. However, it does seem more cohesive (and slightly larger) than yesterday's Magnetogram readings.

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