Monday, April 5, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210405 - Why Hawaii is Activating, Earth Rotation Glitch Update

SPACE - S0 - 20210405 - Why Hawaii is Activating, Earth Rotation Glitch Update

Good Morning, 0bservers!

There's been a steady climb in Particle Density since yesterday's report, but solar wind speeds continued to go lower as it dropped below 300 KPS after midnight UTC. There's a minor rise going on right now, only to 320 KPS, so I'm not sure if we're going to get much from the remnants of last week's coronal hole streams. Temperatures were mostly steady to lower by 2100 UTC but they're also on a slow climb. The Phi Angle is pretty scrambled on the chart this morning, which may be driving the Particle Density more, but I would've expected a similar gentle rise in speed. The KP-Index remained calm (but not dangerously so), with a good mix of KP-1s and KP-0s to keep the cosmic rays at bay. Surprisingly, the Magnetometer readings are continuing their shallow sine wave pattern, but the peak and valley are both expanded from yesterday. Proton Flux and Electron Flux are nominal. X-Ray Flux showed a spike around 1700 UTC that just touched Class B flare range, but it's otherwise calm since that point. Hard to tell on the video loops where that spike came from, possibly a small filament release on the Western (departing) lim, possibly from a small spark in the departing Northern coronal hole around the same time index. I'm seeing some small coronal hole development heading toward the midpoint, we'll see if they grow or spawn more holes in the next report.
p.s. Hope you guys got a chance to watch the port relocation of the SpaceX Dragon on the ISS earlier today...

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