Saturday, April 17, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210417 - Excursion Extinction Studies, Volcano, Space Debris

SPACE - S0 - 20210417 - Excursion Extinction Studies, Volcano, Space Debris

Good Morning, 0bservers!

We'll start a little differently today. Like, with the extended geomagnetic storm we're in right now
Yeah, it ain't pretty. So, the usual warning here - if you or someone you know has cardiovascular, psychiatrics, or immunodeficient issues, be watchful for at least the next 24 hours

Now, to the "regular" stuff. Like the solar wind speeds, which are up. Quite a bit, in fact. Wind speeds pretty much spent all of yesterday and this morning going up. It was running above 500 before midnight UTC, then dropped to 450 KPS for a couple hours, before jumping up to 550 KPS in a matter of minutes. And then it just kept going, topping out above 600 KPS around 0400 UTC. Particle Density has stayed relatively steady after the early-morning jump (forced by the Phi Angle shift) but it appears the coronal hole stream may have been given a kick in the pants by this. Temperatures definitely went up after midnight too. The Magnetometer is pretty high, and pretty low, at the same time. It topped out at 120 nT, but the low end almost touched the 40 nT threshold. That said, the Proton Flux and Electron Flux were pretty much the ONLY calm, boring, nominal charts on the whole page. X-Ray Flux background radiation levels actually went down slightly from yesterday morning, but are still in the upper quarter of Class A range, and there was a mid-Class B spike around 1800 UTC. The bulk of Southern coronal hole group (well, the part in the mid-latitudes which are of a higher risk to Earth) are almost past the midpoint, but the polar section still has at least a day's worth of movement to go. And, we're seeing a new coronal hole developing just below the equator with an East/West orientation. The solar surface image is spottier than a teenager's face after a potato-chip-and-chocolate binge. Unfortunately, the Magnetogram looks like some of them are ready to be squeezed. That new incoming sunspot group is showing an increase in size from yesterday and more magnetic complexity, moving from Beta to Beta-Gamma. If it gets up to Beta-Gamma-Delta by the time it reaches the "strike zone", we're going to be at risk. Hopefully it'll peter out (yes, that is a scientific term) before that happens.

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