Thursday, April 15, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210415 - Geomagnetic Storm, Current Sheet Punch, Nova Feedback

SPACE - S0 - 20210415 - Geomagnetic Storm, Current Sheet Punch, Nova Feedback

Good Morning, 0bservers!

There was a pretty steady increase in solar wind speeds yesterday until it reached a peak of 460 KPS around 1500 UTC, and then began a steady decrease almost to where it started, around 360 KPS. However, Particle Density spent most of yesterday afternoon/evening in a steady rise, with a sudden drop off around 0400 UTC, at which point the wind speed picked up again, peaking at about 420 KPS before settling back to its current 375 KPS. Temperature also had a steady decline most of yesterday, but it peaked and fell again in concert with the wind speed early this morning. The KP-Index was mostly calm yesterday, but we did get a KP-4 (minor geomagnetic storm) reading just before midnight UTC, calming back into the green for the next two reports until it shot up significantly to a Level-1 geomagnetic storm (KP-5). If you've got the Disaster Prediction app on your phone, you should've already received the warning notice about this. Keep an eye on folks with cardiovascular, psychiatric, or immunodeficiency issues for at least the next 24 hours, please. Magnetometer readings are slightly calmer than yesterday, not quite reaching the high point but the lower end did dip to around 50 nT, still above the warning threshold. All Quiet On The Proton Flux and Electron Flux Fronts. X-Ray Flux background radiation levels remain in the upper end of Class A, and we did have a short spike into lower Class B flare range just around midnight UTC. The polar end of the Southern coronal hole is passing the midpoint as we speak, but the bulk of it closer to the equator is just beginning to cross, and that's where we can expect the next increase in geomagnetic effects, most likely this weekend. Didn't see any major pops or surges on the video loops, but there are a number of new bright spots inbound from the lim. The Magnetogram isn't really showing all that much for the new ones, but for the sunspot group that passed the center yesterday, its magnetic separation has closed ranks a bit more, so we're still at risk from that one.

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