Tuesday, April 6, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210406 - Sun Controls the Atmosphere, Record Snow, CGM

SPACE - S0 - 20210406 - Sun Controls the Atmosphere, Record Snow, CGM

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Around 1000 UTC the Particle Density (which had been steadily growing for over 24 hours) suddenly dropped off. And that's when the solar wind speeds started to rise. From yesterday's low of 280 KPS, it leapt to a staggering 340 KPS a few hours later. In other words, damp squib time, folks. That was the coronal hole stream we were expecting from late last week. Thankfully, those speeds have "calmed" to a more sedate 315 KPS. Temperature readings dropped around the same time as the Particle Density, but then went up a bit and came down. The Phi Angle is interesting, though. Usually it's a jumbled mess when it switches polarity, but this time it was a steady and (relatively) slow switch from 90° to 180° over the course of about 7 hours this morning. The KP index did have one "spike" yesterday, a KP-3 (still in the green) right in the middle of the day of mostly KP-1s (so it looks like a giant middle finger). We've had three straight KP-0 readings after midnight, though. The Magnetometer seems to be back to a normal sine wave pattern, and we're nominal with both the Electron and Proton Flux charts as well. X-Ray Flux chart shows no spikes or flares in the past 24 hours, with the background radiation riding the bottom of the Class A range. Not much in coronal hole development, in fact some of the ones from yesterday have collapsed or diminished. The sunspots and bright spots seem quiet as well.

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