Thursday, April 1, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210401 - Uranus is Flaring, Dark Energy Is Magnetism

SPACE - S0 - 20210401 - Uranus is Flaring, Dark Energy Is Magnetism

Good Morning, 0bservers!

For April Fools Day, it certainly is a quiet solar report this morning. We did see an uptick in solar wind speeds after yesterday's apparent calming from the kick in the pants the Particle Density provided on Tuesday night. Speeds did continue to calm in the morning to about 330 KPS, but then started a steady rise through most of the afternoon and evening, popping upward a bit faster around 0200 UTC and peaking just under 440 KPS by 0600 UTC (current range 400-420 KPS). Temperature and Particle Density stayed steady through the period, but disturbances in the Phi Angle may have driven the wind speeds upward. The KP-Index readings rose throughout yesterday late morning, but stayed in the green with nothing higher than KP-3. The Magnetometer still had a pretty high apex, repeating the previous day's 120 nT, but the low end remained above the threshold. Proton Flux and Electron Flux remain nominal (that's two days in a row! HUZZAH!!!). No flare activity showing on the X-Ray Flux charts, and the background radiation remains in the middle of the Class A range. Video loops are pretty calm (with a bit of camera shake this morning as the satellite adjusts its orientation), but we are seeing a bit of roiling of coronal hole development in center disc. No real new "large" holes, just a darkening of the region as smaller ones try to erupt. Not seeing any potential sunspots or bright regions incoming from the Eastern lim at the moment, so we should be good for a while there, as the departing sunspots in the North are moving out of range.

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