Sunday, April 18, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210418 - Big Solar Eruption, Electric Geology, Climate

SPACE - S0 - 20210418 - Big Solar Eruption, Electric Geology, Climate

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds remained elevated all of yesterday and this morning, with only a slight (and brief) dip between 1000-1200 UTC. It's staying mostly in the 550-600 KPS range, with a few brief spikes above 650 KPS. Particle Density and Temperature readings remained mostly steady but elevated throughout the period. The Phi Angle is pretty mixed, which seems to continue driving the elevated KP-Index readings. We're not at the Level-1 (red) KP-5 impacts from yesterday morning, but we are still in the minor geomagnetic storm (yellow) KP-4 readings. The Magnetometer was a bit higher than the previous day, but the low end was not nearly as low, just briefly dipping under 60 nT. The Proton Flux was nominal, but the Electron Flux did breach the Alert Threshold, maxing out at 1252 pfu (which apparently stands for proton flux units). This does have a medical and technological impact, but at higher levels than this. The X-Ray Flux showed a strong (Class C) flare with a slow taper down instead of a sharp up/down spike, followed by (you guessed it) a sharp up/down spike at midnight UTC into the upper Class B range. The video loops at 193Å and 131Å showed the eruption pretty clearly, followed by a bright sunspot flare. The good news is, it was just beyond the Eastern lim, about 25° South of the equator. The bad news is, if that sunspot's doing this now, I'm pretty sure it'll continue doing it once it is facing Earth. Can't see it yet on the Magnetogram, but that other sunspot group I mentioned yesterday is showing more positive/negative separation but also a small negative region smack dab in the middle of the positive section. Gotta admit, that's making me a bit nervous. The other two sunspots in the South approaching the Western lim look like they're starting to decay. They may still pop, but they're getting further out of range which reduces our risk of impact.

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