Friday, April 9, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210409 - Cosmic Rays, Magnetic Shift Instability, Storm Alert

SPACE - S0 - 20210409 - Cosmic Rays, Magnetic Shift Instability, Storm Alert

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds peaked at just over 500 KPS around 0500 UTC yesterday, and then spent the rest of the day and night slowly calming to about 400 KPS. Saw a few bumps up to 440 KPS at 0400 and 0500 UTC this morning. Particle Density was steady all of yesterday, but it had identical bumps at the same times. Same goes for Temperature, lowering throughout yesterday, then the bumps. Looks like they were all bumped by the Phi Angle, which had some moderate shifts this morning around that time, but nothing spectacular. The KP-Index is back in the calm range. The Magnetometer readings have become a bit more shallow, but still well within nominal range. Proton Flux and Electron Flux are happily dull today. Background radiation on the X-Ray Flux chart has returned to the bottom of the Class A flare range, with no spikes or jumps. The coronal hole in the North will turn through the midpoint today, but we've also got some roiling smaller holes in the equatorial region crossing as well. A coronal tendril drew up from the South pole overnight just past the midpoint, but there will be little if any effect from this. No real sunspots on the Magnetogram, but there are a number of scattered positive and negative points over a good portion of the Northern hemisphere. They don't seem to correspond to any bright spots on the video loops, however.

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