Tuesday, April 13, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210413 - Volcanos, Magnetic Shift, Solar Forcing, Cosmo Fail

SPACE - S0 - 20210413 - Volcanos, Magnetic Shift, Solar Forcing, Cosmo Fail

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds remained in the calm but variable range throughout yesterday and this morning. The overall range never breached 400 KPS, staying in the 335-385 KPS range, with the current speed in the 340-360 KPS range. Particle Density and Temperature remained relatively steady, and the Phi Angle was more stable than the previous report. The KP-Index was calm as well, with mostly KP-1s and KP-2s, although we did get a pair of KP-0 readings before and after midnight UTC (back to back). The Magnetometer was about the same as yesterday, with the peak outdistancing yesterday's apex when it touched the 120 nanoTesla line, but the lower reading is still well above the 40 nT baseline, so no worries there. Nominal readings from both the Proton and Electron Flux charts. Not so much with the X-Ray Flux, though. Background radiation levels continued to go up, and there were a few pretty good flare spikes getting nearly to Class C flare range levels. Fortunately today we have the video loops back (they weren't showing yesterday) and we've got a lot of goodies at 193Å. Let's start with a moderate coronal hole just crossing the midpoint along the equator, and another larger hole developing/extending from the South polar region. It's a big'un, too. Right below the equatorial coronal hole is a complex sunspot (Beta-Gamma at least) that was sparking and spitting at 131Å. You can also see some bloody huge prominences at 304Å on both the Southeast and Southwest lims. Looks like there was also some sort of ejection in the Northeast lim at about 60°.

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