Tuesday, September 1, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200901 - Quakes Rising, What it Will Take From the Sun

SPACE - S0 - 20200901 - Quakes Rising, What it Will Take From the Sun

Good Morning, 0bservers!

After yesterday's 600 KPS spike, solar wind speeds drew back a bit to the 540-570 KPS range, but ramped back up above 620 KPS around 0200. At this writing, the speed has moved back down to around 560 KPS. While particle density had its usual pre-bump before the wind speed increase, but temperatures definitely increased, hitting 6000°K at one point yesterday. The Phi-Angle was all over the charts yesterday and today. The KP-Index had us in a sustained solar storm yesterday, with two KP-5 spikes along with sustained KP-4 readings for nine hours, and another KP-4 kicking in after midnight. The Electron Flux continues to roll over the threshold levels, both yesterday and this morning. We're also seeing the X-Ray flux in the middle of the Class A flares, backed up by the videos which show disturbance, disruption and minor ejections both in the main bright spots on the North as well as the lim. We've got a filament along those bright spots, and they're Earth-facing now, so keep a close eye on those. The large coronal hole near the North pole has fully passed the midpoint (with the bright spots trailing right behind), but we're seeing a new coronal hole group about 20° South of the equator. As to the earthquake activity, well, DAY-yum! it was busy. Let's start with a Mag 6.2 in the Chagos Archipelago region, a Mag 5.8 along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, another Mag 5.8 in the Tristan de Cunha region (midway between the Southern tip of Africa and the lower third of South America), a Mag 5.6 just off the coast of Palana Russia, and SEVEN temblors off the coast of Vallenar Chile - starting with a Mag 6.8, then a 6.3, 5.4, 5.1, 5.5, 5.0 and 5.7.
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