Sunday, September 27, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200927 - Cosmic Rays Trigger Lightning, Cold Wave

SPACE - S0 - 20200927 - Cosmic Rays Trigger Lightning, Cold Wave

Good Morning, 0bservers!



The solar winds were a bit of a roller coaster, but not a King's Island one - more like a kiddy carney coaster. Speeds dipped down from their high of 580 KPS down to about 500 KPS before midnight UTC, then up again to 560 KPS before dropping down to its current 490-500 KPS level. Particle density dropped slightly after midnight as well, and the temp got a bit squiggly gut seems to have stabilized slightly lower.  We've seen three KP-5 readings on the Index in the past 36 hours, as well as five KP-4s, one of which just happened after midnight, so we're still in a low-intensity solar storm. The latest reading just before this posting dropped that one down to KP-2. The Electron Flux readings are cresting over the threshold again, but not by much. The X-Ray Flux is still in the higher Class A range, but I'm not seeing any new spikes like yesterday. We'll be receiving a solar song from that BACH (Big-A$$ed Coronal Hole) in the North as it passes the midpoint. However, there was also an equatorial hole that developed and passed the midpoint as well, so that might add a bit of oomph (yes, as mentioned in previous postings, that IS a scientific term) to the stream. As to the bright spot, there's still a lot of underlying magnetic complexity down there, but there still remains signs of decay. Didn't see any flares or expulsions on the various video wavelengths. By the bye, if you're a follower of Ben Davidson's S0 group, you already know the correlation between solar activity and earthquakes. Well, that correlation seems to be on track as we saw an uptick in temblors, with a Mag 6.2 (the first in over a week) between Africa and Antarctica, a Mag 5.3 near Karyes Greece, a Mag 5.2 off Nilolski Alaska followed by a Mag 5.6 less than 30 minutes later, and another Mag 5.2 near Shinshiro Japan.

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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Climate Science Collapses | Top Journal Ices the Cake"


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