Tuesday, September 29, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200929 - Space Weather, Solar System, Nova Science

SPACE - S0 - 20200929 - Space Weather, Solar System, Nova Science

Good Morning, 0bservers!



Rather than the usual start to this report, let's instead begin with the KP-Index as opposed to the solar wind speeds...


Yeah, yesterday was a bit of a bugger, geomagnetically speaking. It's calmed - slightly - after 0300 UTC, but it was a busy day up there, to say the least. Luckily, the last two readings have calmed back down to KP-3 on the image above. Solar winds (y'see, I didn't make you wait too long) remained elevated, staying in the 550-650 KPS range, with a brief spike right after midnight. Particle density was steady as a rock, but temperatures have risen slightly in the past few hours. Electron Flux is over the threshold again, but the X-Ray Flux has remained relatively steady in the mid Class A Flare range. The large Northern coronal hole, and the large bright spot behind it, are now both past the midpoint, so we'll be seeing that manifesting itself within the next 24-36 hours. The quake report is a bit busier this morning, but frankly not as busy as I was expecting it to be. We had a Mag 5.1 in the South Sandwich Islands region, a Mag 5.2 South of the Kermadec Islands, and a Mag 5.0 about 70 miles East of Guam. 

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