Tuesday, September 22, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200922 - Censor Track, Galactic Wind Ripple, Epic Public Fraud

SPACE - S0 - 20200922 - Censor Track, Galactic Wind Ripple, Epic Public Fraud

Good Morning, 0bservers!



Solar winds went down a bit yesterday to a low of 280 KPS, but bumped up later in the day and overnight to a current speed of 340 KPS. Temperatures rose some overnight as well, but not to a critical level, and density stayed pretty much steady. The KP-Index bumped up a bit after midnight UTC to KP-3 levels, after a day of mostly KP-0s and 1s. The GOES Magnetometer showed a peak yesterday of about 130 nanoTeslas, but what was surprising is the sharp dip down to 50 nT. There was a brief/minor Phi Angle shift around the same time, but it doesn't seem to have affected other readings. The X-Ray Flux is still up there in the lower-B/upper-A Class range, due to the new bright spot in the Northeast quadrant. By the bye, that new bright spot has some rather impressive coronal holes developing in front of it, coming down from the North polar region and connecting with another hole in the mid-latitudes. Saw a few pops and disturbances in some of the smaller spots as well. You'll see that activity from the new spot more clearly at 304Å and 131Å, and it is quite impressive. The Solar Visible Light video is showing that bright spot now, and there's what looks like some potential magnetic instability underneath. That was further verified when I checked the GOES Magnetogram, and the size of what's there is a bit scary. From the lithosphere, we only had a small handful of blot echoes between Mag 4.1-4.9 But we also had a Mag 5.9 temblor in the Central East Pacific Rise, and a Mag 5.5 just Northwest of Kultuk Russia.   

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