Monday, September 7, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200907 - Sun, Weather, Quakes, Harvard Nova Battle - Round 2

SPACE - S0 - 20200907 - Sun, Weather, Quakes, Harvard Nova Battle - Round 2

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds slowed yesterday, from a high of 450 KPS to a low of 340 KPS right around midnight UTC, before jumping up again around 380 KPS. It's staying in the 340-380 KPS range at the time of this report. There was also a jump in particle density around the same time, but this appears to be more an outcome of a Phi Angle shift than any coronal hole activity. The KP-Index is certainly becalmed, with an almost solid line of KP-1 readings (with KP-0 in the mix). Electron Flux readings are still above the threshold, but the X-Ray Flux remains in the low Class A range. The bright spots in the South continue their march toward the midpoint, with the higher-latitude spot showing some activity at 131Å. Two smaller bright spots have developed closer to both the equator and the midpoint in the last 12 hours on 173Å, so we'll be watching those as well. There was a coronal mass ejection recorded on the ENLIL Spiral chart, but fortunately, it was from the Dark Side of the Sun (Pink Floyd's next album?) facing well away from Earth. The lithosphere was busy, starting with a Mag 5.3 Southeast of Tonga, a Mag 5.2 off Papua New Guinea, another Mag 5.2 off Indonesia, a Mag 5.1 Southeast of Iwaki Japan, a Mag 5.1 in Iran, a Mag 5.0 in the Falkland Islands region, and a very busy night off Vanuatu with a Mag 5.0, then a Mag 5.6 90 minutes later, and a Mag 5.7 20 minutes after that. Some of those quakes were VERY close to the smaller islands in the chain.
* * *
Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "B-ASSS | Because We Care... [Adult Language]". You've GOT to watch this one, folks, it's hilarious!

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