Thursday, September 24, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200924 - Electrostatic Dust, Cosmic Energy, ENSO Forecast

SPACE - S0 - 20200924 - Electrostatic Dust, Cosmic Energy, ENSO Forecast

Good Morning, 0bservers!



Solar wind speeds are definitely UP this morning, peaking at around 530 KPS a few hours ago. This is up from yesterday's low of 350 KPS, ramping up to 400 KPS by midday, then 470 KPS by late evening, and is currently in the 500-510 KPS range. There was a rise in particle density yesterday morning, but the uptick in speed was well delayed to that indicator. There is a lot of Phi Angle instability, which may be driving this in part. We are in a solar storm condition at the moment, with KP-4 readings (in yellow) and a late-breaking KP-5 (in red) on the KP-Index chart. The X-Ray Flux continues steady in the high Class A range, with a brief interlude to Class B just after midnight UTC. One of the Northern coronal holes has passed central heliographic longitude, but the larger one just in front of that rather nasty-looking bright spot is still about a day away from the midpoint. I'm still seeing a lot of complexity under that bright spot on the magnetometer image, but I can't see any detail on actual positive/negative sunspot cells. Yesterday's report suggested this field was weakening, but as of this writing it still looks pretty nasty to me. Another relatively quiet day on quake-watch, with a Mag 5.7 along the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a Mag 5.3 in the Philippines, and a small handful of blot echoes in the Mag 4.2-4.6 range.

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