Monday, October 5, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201005 - Big Ozone News, Crust Activation, Electric COVID

SPACE - S0 - 20201005 - Big Ozone News, Crust Activation, Electric COVID

Good Morning, 0bservers!


We've seen a continued drop in solar wind speeds, from yesterday's ride along the line of 400 KPS down to a low of  320 KPS, currently in the 340-360 KPS range. That drop started around mid-evening, but it was a minor slide compared to the drop in temperature, which went down a full order of magnitude in the span of a couple hours. There was also a dip in particle density around then, but that seemed to recover pretty quickly. None of those drops seemed to be generated by the Phi Angle, which showed no major disturbances or shifts throughout the day. The KP-Index was pretty calm yesterday, with KP-1 readings dominating, and a couple of KP-0 readings thrown in both before and after midnight UTC. Electron Flux readings remain well above the threshold. Those coronal holes I mentioned yesterday never fully formed, and their potential network seemed to be reabsorbed into the solar surface. Bright spots in the lower left of the video image are coming through now. The magnetometer readings aren't showing any magnetic complexity or actual sunspots underneath them, however.  There was a stack of blot echo activity since yesterday, including a Mag 5.6 near Tingloy Philippines (85 miles deep). Beyond those, we had two Mag 5.0 temblors, one about 75 miles East of Pangai Tonga, the other about 130 miles SSW of Lajes das Flores, Portugal. Those were followed by a Mag 5.2 about 115 miles East of Tandine, New Caledonia.

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