Monday, October 19, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201019 - Pre-Quake Signal, Solar Plasma Coupling, Radio Dipole

SPACE - S0 - 20201019 - Pre-Quake Signal, Solar Plasma Coupling, Radio Dipole

Good Morning, 0bservers!


Solar winds rose a bit late yesterday, hitting 360 KPS before midnight UTC and then bumping up to nearly 380 KPS about six hours later. There was a brief uptick in density but the temperature stayed relatively low, and the Phi Angle was pretty much effed up (and yes, that IS a scientific term) all of yesterday. The KP-Index was down on the floor for 15 hours yesterday, but it finally dragged itself back up to KP-1 readings. The X-Ray Flux chart showed a couple more spikes into mid B Class flare range, and it appears to again be coming from instability on the departing bright spot, which is just now crossing the Western lim. The current bright spot in the South should cross the midpoint today, and the magnetographs show continued sunspot complexity although there are signs of decay. Surprisingly, there wasn't as much temblor activity (outside a slight increase in blot echoes) as I was expecting from yesterday's report. Well, not at 0300 EDT, anyway, until rechecking the Disaster Prediction app to update this post at 0600. What started with only a single Mag 5.2 a bit under 120 miles SW of Sungai Penuh Indonesia ended up multiplying, with three additional quakes (Mag 5.6, then a Mag 5.5 11 minutes later, then a Mag 5.1 two hours after that). There was also a Mag 5.0 just outside Sanchez, Dominican Republic, and a Mag 5.1 off Sinabang Indonesia.

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