Wednesday, October 21, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201021 - Hurricanes Changing, Crust Slip, Ozone Record

SPACE - S0 - 20201021 - Hurricanes Changing, Crust Slip, Ozone Record

Good Morning, 0bservers!


Looks like the various detectors had a bit of a hiccup after midnight UTC, at least on the DISCOVR system. That said, up until then we had a definite drop in solar wind speeds in late morning yesterday, from a high of around 450 KPS to a more steady 360 KPS. We also had a drop in Particle Density, but it did start to go up in early evening, while temperatures went down and pretty much stayed down. The Phi Angle is still in a bit of a Mixmaster (for the third day running). With all that, the KP-Index went down for the early part of yesterday, and then started back up after midday. We did get a KP-3 reading just after midnight UTC, but we're still well in the green zone there. Magnetometer readings are far below the previous peak. We did see two X-Ray Flux spikes after noon and before midnight into the Class B flare range, but other than that the background emissions remained in mid-Class A. One of those surges was clearly visible from the main bright spot/sunspot group just as it passed center disc. Seeing a lot more coronal hole development in the North, both at the polar region and also the lower latitudes. We've even got an equatorial hole approaching central heliographic longitude. As to the lithosphere, the models of higher activity from the coronal holes definitely came true with regard to Sand Point Alaska, and that continued (but thankfully slowed down a bit) with a Mag 5.2 and a Mag 5.1. We also saw a Mag 5.6 outside Álftanes Iceland, a Mag 5.0 off Pangai Tonga, a Mag 5.9 about 110 miles ESE of Neiafu Tonga, a Mag 5.1 in the South Shetland Islands, a Mag 5.1 about 25 miles WNW of Jiangyou China, and a Mag 5.7 off the coast of Taltal Chile.

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