Tuesday, October 20, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201020 - Earthquake Alert Hits, Mantle Structure, Meteor Shower

SPACE - S0 - 20201020 - Earthquake Alert Hits, Mantle Structure, Meteor Shower

Good Morning, 0bservers!


The coronal hole stream from the weekend finally arrived midday yesterday, jumping 100 KPS in the span of an hour or two. From yesterday's low of 340 KPS we peaked at 440 KPS, and now sits in the 410-430 KPS range. The typical rise in particle density preceded the rise in speed, but the temperature rise was more moderated. The Phi Angle remains unstable (see also: scrambled), which may explain the magnetometer climbing to nearly 140 nanoTeslas. The KP-Index is definitely off the deck now, with KP-2 readings kicking in along with the wind speed. Even had a KP-3 pop up midday yesterday, but we're still in the green zone here. There were a few more Class B flare spikes yesterday on the X-Ray Flux detectors, but those seem to have calmed back down to mid Class A range. However, this didn't come from the departing bright spot, but from the dominant sunspot group approaching the midpoint in the South on 193Å. The new bright spot coming in from the Northeastern lim is generating some amazing prominences at 304Å as well, so that'll be a busy bee once it crests. The new one doesn't yet show up on the SDO HMI Magnetogram yet, but the other one is showing further positive/negative separation. The lithosphere was a lot busier yesterday, but mostly at one single location - Sand Point, Alaska, starting with a bodacious Mag 7.4 in the ocean about 55 miles Southeast of the town (which triggered a tsunami warning), followed throughout the day by EIGHT aftershocks - Mag 5.2, 5.2, 5.2, 5.7, 5.9, 5.0, 5.3, and 5.1. All of these were at a variety of moderate depths, but nothing so deep as to count as a blot echo.

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