Saturday, October 24, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201024 - Solar Tornados Erupt, Mantle Surprise, Nova, Clovis

SPACE - S0 - 20201024 - Solar Tornados Erupt, Mantle Surprise, Nova, Clovis

Good Morning, 0bservers!


Yesterday we had a midday convergence of solar issues, starting with a major Phi Angle shift (more of a scrambling, really) followed by a strong surge in particle density. And, like clockwork, the solar wind speeds responded shortly thereafter from a low of 370 KPS to a peak of around 530 KPS. It stayed at that level until around midnight UTC, when it experienced a second minor uptick to about 570 KPS, before calming slightly back to 530 KPS again. The temperature curve almost exactly matches the wind speed. The other charts responded to the activity, starting with the GOES Magnetometer which literally spiked above 140 nanoTeslas (it hit the top of the chart!). We've also had five consecutive KP-4 readings on the index (minor solar storm) and we're expecting that to continue for a while. Surprisingly, the Electron Flux did NOT surge past the threshold, but it did jump up close to it. Also, the X-Ray Flux only had minor perturbations while staying in the lower half of the Class A flare range, so this activity isn't sunspot-based. That said, the SASCO 3C shows what can only be described as a "bloom" going outward from the Eastern lim, about 60° away from Earth. If it's a CME is is facing well away from Earth, and considering the size, that can only be viewed as a GOOD thing. Coronal holes have mostly passed the midpoint, and that solar tornado in the Northeast lim finally released (which was either the cause or the effect of the other happenings above). From the lithosphere, we had only a pair of temblors in the South Shetland Islands (a Mag 5.0 yesterday, and a Mag 5.1 at 06:40 EDT), a far cry from yesterday's activity report.

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