Monday, October 26, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201026 - Galactic Micronova Trigger, New Sunspots, EMF Quakes

SPACE - S0 - 20201026 - Galactic Micronova Trigger, New Sunspots, EMF Quakes

Good Morning, 0bservers!


Saw a bit of a slowdown in the solar wind speed yesterday evening, but it popped back up to surpass yesterday's high a couple hours ago, cresting over 600 KPS. Temperature and Particle Density remain relatively steady and the Phi Angle is... confused? It's a bit of a scrambled mess on the chart, a number of polarity swaps and jumps. That definitely made a difference to the KP-Index, with some brief forays into minor geomagnetic storm range with three KP-4 readings since mid-evening last. Magnetometer readings are back into a more normal cycle after the spike on the 23rd. The Electron Flux definitely jumped above the threshold, and we're seeing some rather odd readings on the X-Ray Flux, with a general rise up to the Class B flare range, sometimes cresting the line. That appears to be caused by a brand new bright spot that literally blossomed in the Southern mid-latitudes just as it was approaching (and then passing) the midpoint. A quick peek at the Magnetogram shows at least beta-level magnetic complexity. The above video takes a closer look, and it appears closer to beta-delta (big-damn) but not quite beta-gamma-delta (big-g*d-damn) interactions.  Coronal holes in the Northern polar region have reached down again, so we should be expecting a continuation of the wind speeds and magnetic incursions. Quakes were few and far between, physically and temporally, starting with a Mag 5.0 near Abhar Iran that I missed in yesterday's report, a Mag 6.1 off Hihifo Tonga, a Mag 5.4 about 50 miles WNW of Iquique Chile, and a Mag 5.2 along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge.

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