Saturday, October 17, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201017 - Solar Flare & CME, Earthquake/Volcano Alerts, Space Cloud

SPACE - S0 - 20201017 - Solar Flare & CME, Earthquake/Volcano Alerts, Space Cloud

Good Morning, 0bservers!


While there was again a rise in solar wind speeds, it was still a pretty calm day up there. It did briefly go above 330 KPS a couple of times, but it's stayed pretty close to the 300-310 KPS range. Density actually went down yesterday, while the temperature rose for most of the day before dropping precipitously after midnight UTC. The KP-Index stayed in the KP-1 range for most of the day, with a KP-0 snuck in there around midday, and a pair of KP-2s blowing through after 0400 UTC. Electron Flux was stable, but the joint was jumpin' in the X-Ray Flux with the spikes dancing their way into mid-Class C flare range in early afternoon and a couple Class B readings around midnight. The video at 304Å showed a rather nasty jet coming out of the departing bright spot on the South, preceded by an intra-atmospheric surge which shows best on 173Å. By the bye, that new sunspot in the South is showing more magnetic separation and complexity when compared to yesterday's magnetographic image. The coronal hole in the South is coming into play today, and should reach the midpoint before midnight, so we'll see if we get any increased solar output from it by midweek. The lithosphere continues its unremarkable journey, with a smattering and scattering of blot echo activity, and a Mag 5.1 temblor about 110 miles SW of Sungai Penuh, Indonesia, a follow-up to the Mag 5.4 they'd experienced 38 hours prior. Whoops, just caught a Mag 5.4 temblor that just snuck in along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge coming across the Disaster Prediction app...

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