Friday, January 31, 2020

Astronomers Have Caught a Star Literally Dragging Space-Time Around With It


(Mark Myers/OzGrav ARC Centre of Excellence/Swinburne University of Technology)

One of the predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity is that any spinning body drags the very fabric of space-time in its vicinity around with it. This is known as "frame-dragging".

In everyday life, frame-dragging is both undetectable and inconsequential, as the effect is so ridiculously tiny. Detecting the frame-dragging caused by the entire Earth's spin requires satellites such as the US$750 million Gravity Probe B, and the detection of angular changes in gyroscopes equivalent to just one degree every 100,000 years or so.

Luckily for us, the Universe contains many naturally occurring gravitational laboratories where physicists can observe Einstein's predictions at work in exquisite detail.

Our team's research, published today in Science, reveals evidence of frame-dragging on a much more noticeable scale, using a radio telescope and a unique pair of compact stars whizzing around each other at dizzying speeds.

The motion of these stars would have perplexed astronomers in Newton's time, as they clearly move in a warped space-time, and require Einstein's general theory of relativity to explain their trajectories.

An illustration of frame dragging. (Mark Myers/OzGrav ARC Centre of Excellence)

General relativity is the foundation of modern gravitational theory. It explains the precise motion of the stars, planets and satellites, and even the flow of time. One of its lesser-known predictions is that spinning bodies drag space-time around with them. The faster an object spins and the more massive it is, the more powerful the drag.

One type of object for which this is very relevant is called a white dwarf. These are the leftover cores from dead stars that were once several times the mass of our Sun, but have since exhausted their hydrogen fuel.

What remains is similar in size to Earth but hundreds of thousands of times more massive. White dwarfs can also spin very quickly, rotating every minute or two, rather than every 24 hours like Earth does.

The frame-dragging caused by such a white dwarf would be roughly 100 million times as powerful as Earth's.

That is all well and good, but we can't fly to a white dwarf and launch satellites around it. Fortunately, however, nature is kind to astronomers and has its own way of letting us observe them, via orbiting stars called pulsars.

Twenty years ago, CSIRO's Parkes radio telescope discovered a unique stellar pair consisting of a white dwarf (about the size of Earth but about 300,000 times heavier) and a radio pulsar (just the size of a city but 400,000 times heavier).

Compared with white dwarfs, pulsars are in another league altogether. They are made not of conventional atoms, but of neutrons packed tightly together, making them incredibly dense. What's more, the pulsar in our study spins 150 times every minute.

This mean that, 150 times every minute, a "lighthouse beam" of radio waves emitted by this pulsar sweeps past our vantage point here on Earth. We can use this to map the path of the pulsar as it orbits the white dwarf, by timing when its pulse arrives at our telescope and knowing the speed of light. This method revealed that the two stars orbit one another in less than 5 hours.

This pair, officially called PSR J1141-6545, is an ideal gravitational laboratory. Since 2001 we have trekked to Parkes several times a year to map this system's orbit, which exhibits a multitude of Einsteinian gravitational effects.

Mapping the evolution of orbits is not for the impatient, but our measurements are ridiculously precise. Although PSR J1141-6545 is several hundred quadrillion kilometres away (a quadrillion is a million billion), we know the pulsar rotates 2.5387230404 times per second, and that its orbit is tumbling in space.

This means the plane of its orbit is not fixed, but instead is slowly rotating.

How did this system form?
When pairs of stars are born, the most massive one dies first, often creating a white dwarf. Before the second star dies it transfers matter to its white dwarf companion.

A disk forms as this material falls towards the white dwarf, and over the course of tens of thousands of years it revs up the white dwarf, until it rotates every few minutes.

A white dwarf being spun-up by the transfer of matter from its companion. (ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery)

In rare cases such as this one, the second star can then detonate in a supernova, leaving behind a pulsar. The rapidly spinning white dwarf drags space-time around with it, making the pulsar's orbital plane tilt as it is dragged along. This tilting is what we observed through our patient mapping of the pulsar's orbit.

Einstein himself thought many of his predictions about space and time would never be observable. But the past few years have seen a revolution in extreme astrophysics, including the discovery of gravitational waves and the imaging of a black hole shadow with a worldwide network of telescopes. These discoveries were made by billion-dollar facilities.

Fortunately there is still a role in exploring general relativity for 50-year-old radio telescopes like the one at Parkes, and for patient campaigns by generations of graduate students.

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Physics of giant bubbles bursts secret of fluid mechanics

JANUARY 30, 2020, by Emory University

Emory physicist Justin Burton, left, experiments with giant soap bubbles on Emory University's Quad with graduate student Stephen Frazier, who received a master's in physics from Emory in May and is first author of the paper. Credit: Emory University

A study inspired by street performers making gigantic soap bubbles led to a discovery in fluid mechanics: Mixing different molecular sizes of polymers within a solution increases the ability of a thin film to stretch without breaking.

The journal Physical Review Fluids published the results of the study by physicists at Emory University. The findings could potentially lead to improving processes such as the flow of oils through industrial pipes and the clearance of polluting foams in streams and rivers.

The results also hold implications for backyard bubble-blowing enthusiasts.

"This study definitely puts the fun into fundamental science," says Justin Burton, associate professor of physics at Emory University and senior author of the paper.

Fluid dynamics is one of the focuses of Burton's lab. "The processes of fluid dynamics are visually beautiful and they are everywhere on our planet, from the formation and breakup of droplets and bubbles to the aerodynamics of airplanes and the deep-sea overturning of the world's oceans," he says.

While Burton was in Barcelona for a conference a few years ago, he happened to see street performers making huge bubbles using a soap solution and thick cotton string. "These bubbles were about the diameter of a hula hoop and as much as a car-length long," he recalls. "They were also beautiful, with color changes from red to green to bluish tones on their surface."

This rainbow effect shows that a film's thickness is comparable to the wavelength of light, or just a few microns, he explains.

A lab experiment measures the forces as a soap bubble bursts. Credit: Burton lab video
(not a video)

Viewing the performance sparked a physics question in Burton's mind: How could such a microscopically thin film maintain its integrity over such a large distance without breaking up? He began investigating, both in his backyard and in his lab.

As Burton researched bubble recipes he came across the Soap Bubble Wiki, an online, open-source project. The wiki states that it aims to help "bubblers" create "the perfect bubble" by separating fact from folklore regarding soap bubble-making recipes and ingredients.

In addition to water and dishwashing liquid, the Soap Bubble Wiki recipes usually included a polymer—a substance made up of long chains of repeating molecules. The most common polymers in the recipes were natural guar, a powder used as an additive in some foods, or industrial polyethylene glycol (PEO), a lubricant used in some medicines. Guided by the wiki recommendations, Burton conducted laboratory experiments along with two student co-authors who have since graduated: Stephen Frazier, who received a master's in physics in May and is first author, and undergraduate Xinyi Jiang.

"We basically started making bubbles and popping them, and recorded the speed and dynamics of that process," Burton says. "Focusing on a fluid at its most violent moments can tell you a lot about its underlying physics."

Soap films absorb infrared light, so the researchers shone it through the bubbles to measure the thickness of the films. They also measured the molecular weights of the different polymers they used in the bubble recipes. And they let gravity pull droplets of the various soap films off a nozzle, in order to measure how long the resulting thread of liquid could stretch between the nozzle and the droplet before breaking.

The results revealed that polymers were the key ingredient to making colossal bubbles. The long, fibrous strands of polymers enable the bubbles to flow smoothly and stretch further without popping.

"The polymer strands become entangled, something like a hairball, forming longer strands that don't want to break apart," Burton explains. "In the right combination, a polymer allows a soap film to reach a 'sweet spot' that's viscous but also stretchy—just not so stretchy that it rips apart."

The work confirms what many expert "bubblers" already had figured out—a good giant soap bubble recipe should include a polymer.

"We did the physics to explain why and how polymers can make a fluid film stretch as far as 100 square meters without breaking," Burton says.

The physicists also found that varying the molecular sizes of the polymers helps strengthen soap film. That discovery happened by accident.

The researchers worked on the project for more than a year and stored some containers of PEO they had purchased. They realized that PEO from containers that had aged about six months produced stronger soap bubble films compared to PEO from containers used when it was first purchased. Upon investigation, they realized that the polymers in the aged PEO had degraded over time, varying the length of the molecular strands.

"Polymers of different sizes become even more entangled than single-sized polymers, strengthening the elasticity of the film," Burton says. "That's a fundamental physics discovery."

Understanding how fluids and thin films response to stress, Burton says, could lead to an array of applications, such as improving the flow of industrial materials through pipes, or the clean-up of toxic foams.

"As with all fundamental research, you have to follow your instincts and heart," Burton says of his soap bubble odyssey. "Sometimes your bubble gets burst, but in this case, we discovered something interesting."

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SPACE - S0 - 20200131 - Solar Wind, Bees & Burning, From Dark to X-ray

SPACE - S0 - 20200131 - Solar Wind, Bees & Burning, From Dark to X-ray

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds moved upwards overnight, briefly spiking over 550 KPS a couple hours ago, but it's back around 500 KPS at present. The increased speed evoked a couple of KP-4 readings in the KP Index in the last 12 hours, otherwise staying in the KP-3 range with the most recent reading at KP-2. The Proton count increased as well, but it's still well within the safe zone. The Southern bright spot seems to be continuing its decay, but it also looks like it had a minor "burp" just before reaching the midpoint, and it's doubtful that it will have any effect on Earth. The lithosphere continued to calm down, with the quakes of note being a Mag 5.2 off Indonesia and a Mag 5.7 off New Guinea.
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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Likelihood of space super-storms estimated from longest period of magnetic field observations

JANUARY 29, 2020, by University of Warwick

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

A 'great' space weather super-storm large enough to cause significant disruption to our electronic and networked systems occurred on average once in every 25 years, according to a new joint study by the University of Warwick and the British Antarctic Survey.

By analysing magnetic field records at opposite ends of the Earth (UK and Australia), scientists have been able to detect super-storms going back over the last 150 years.

This result was made possible by a new way of analysing historical data, pioneered by the University of Warwick, from the last 14 solar cycles, way before the space age began in 1957, instead of the last five solar cycles currently used.

The analysis shows that 'severe' magnetic storms occurred in 42 out of the last 150 years, and 'great' super-storms occurred in 6 years out of 150. Typically, a storm may only last a few days but can be hugely disruptive to modern technology. Super-storms can cause power blackouts, take out satellites, disrupt aviation and cause temporary loss of GPS signals and radio communications.

Lead author Professor Sandra Chapman, from the University of Warwick's Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, said: "These super-storms are rare events but estimating their chance of occurrence is an important part of planning the level of mitigation needed to protect critical national infrastructure.

"This research proposes a new method to approach historical data, to provide a better picture of the chance of occurrence of super-storms and what super-storm activity we are likely to see in the future."

The Carrington storm of 1859 is widely recognised as the largest super-storm on record, but predates even the data used in this study. The analysis led by Professor Chapman estimates what amplitude it would need to have been to be in the same class as the other super-storms- and hence with a chance of occurrence that can be estimated.

Professor Richard Horne, who leads Space Weather at the British Antarctic Survey, said: "Our research shows that a super-storm can happen more often than we thought. Don't be misled by the stats, it can happen any time, we simply don't know when and right now we can't predict when."

Space weather is driven by activity from the sun. Smaller scale storms are common, but occasionally larger storms occur that can have a significant impact.

One way to monitor this space weather is by observing changes in the magnetic field at the earth's surface. High quality observations at multiple stations have been available since the beginning of the space age (1957). The sun has an approximately 11-year cycle of activity which varies in intensity and this data, which has been extensively studied, covers only five cycles of solar activity.

If we want a better estimate of the chance of occurrence of the largest space storms over many solar cycles, we need to go back further in time. The aa geomagnetic index is derived from two stations at opposite ends of the earth (in UK and Australia) to cancel out the earth's own background field. This goes back over 14 solar cycles or 150 years, but has poor resolution.

Using annual averages of the top few percent of the aa index the researchers found that a 'severe' super-storm occurred in 42 years out of 150 (28%), while a 'great' super-storm occurred in 6 years out of 150 (4%) or once in every 25 years. As an example, the 1989 storm that caused a major power blackout of Quebec was a great storm.

In 2012 the Earth narrowly avoided trouble when a coronal mass ejection from the Sun missed the Earth and went off in another direction. According to satellite measurements if it had hit the Earth it would have caused a super-storm.

Space weather was included in the UK National Risk Register in 2012 and updated in 2017 with a recommendation for more investment in forecasting. In September 2019 the Prime Minister announced a major new investment of £20 million into space weather. The object is to forecast magnetic storms and develop better mitigation strategies.

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SPACE - S0 - 20200130 - Earth Magnetic Anomaly, Best Telescope, Snow

SPACE - S0 - 20200130 - Earth Magnetic Anomaly, Best Telescope, Snow

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds peaked yesterday morning to nearly 500 KPS, then dipped last night to around 350 KPS, and did a slow crawl back to around 400 KPS. The KP Index remained mostly in the KP-2 range, with one KP-3 spike and two KP-1 dips, all in the safe zone. There's a somewhat disorganized coronal hole zone passing the meridian right now, but it's not certain how much it'll effect the planet. Won't be feeling anything from that grouping until the weekend at the earliest. The bright spot in the South is approaching the midpoint, but there was a tiny bright spot leading in front of it that appeared, gave out the tiniest "pop" and then disappeared. Oh, and some more coronal releases in the Northeast lim at 304Å, no risk at all but gorgeous to watch. A slightly less active lithosphere, thankfully, with a Mag 5.1 in Mexico, a deep Mag 5.6 in Greece, a more shallow Mag 5.7 off Indonesia, a Mag 5.1 off Chile, and a Mag 5.1 aftershock between Jamaica and Cuba.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Totally New Type of Aurora Has Been Documented in The Northern Sky


(Kari Saari)

A collaboration between physicists and amateur stargazers has yielded the discovery of what researchers say is a previously unknown kind of aurora phenomenon.

Called 'the dunes', this stunning apparition of luminous, rippling wave patterns does not appear to fit within any established categories of aurora – and it's only been documented now because of a rapport between hobbyist space photographers (aka 'citizen scientists') and professional astronomers in Finland.

If this sounds familiar, you might be thinking of Steve – the brilliantly named ribbon-like phenomenon first identified in 2017.

Despite excitement over the discovery, subsequent investigations indicated Steve was not an aurora, technically speaking, but rather a similar kind of atmospheric glow produced by charged particles flowing through Earth's ionosphere.

While authoring a guide book on the aurora borealis (aka northern lights), computational space physicist Minna Palmroth from the University of Helsinki had her attention drawn to the dunes, which at the time did not fit into the known kinds of aurora.

Shortly after the book was published, members of the Finnish hobbyist community again identified and photographed the dunes phenomenon in the sky, sharing the imagery with Palmroth and her colleagues so they could investigate it.

"One of the most memorable moments of our research collaboration was when the phenomenon appeared at that specific time and we were able to examine it in real time," says astronomy hobbyist Matti Helin.

"It was like piecing together a puzzle or conducting detective work. Every day we found new images and came up with new ideas."

The fruits of that team effort are now documented in a newly published scientific paper, which details how the collaboration worked, and also explains what the dunes actually are.

According to the researchers, the dunes emerge at an altitude of about 100 kilometres (62 miles), in the upper reaches of the mesosphere, and visible simultaneously from different locations in Finland and Sweden.

The phenomenon, which has been recorded seven separate times, is suspected to be an example of what's called a 'mesospheric bore', manifesting when waves of oxygen atoms in the atmosphere are excited by interactions with solar wind, producing the glowing, dune-like effects.

"We associate the dunes to the oscillation of the oxygen density, giving a variability to the auroral emission from the variability of the excitation targets within the atmosphere," the authors write in their paper.

"While the evidence is not sufficient for us to conclude beyond a doubt that the dunes are not a manifestation of variations in the auroral precipitation, we argue they are more suggestive of them being a result of atmospheric waves."

The mesosphere channel where oxygen atoms in gravity waves are excited by solar particles. (Jani Närhi)

Beyond specific explanations of the physics involved, it's an inspiring story of how anybody can get involved with science, helping out to investigate strange and exotic phenomena – the understanding of which benefits everybody, a point the authors themselves are eager to emphasise.
"Our paper adds to the growing body of work that illustrates the value of citizen scientist images in carrying out quantitative analysis of optical phenomena, especially at small scales at sub-auroral latitudes," the researchers say.
"Further, the dune project presents means to create general interest toward physics, emphasising that citizens can take part in scientific work by helping to uncover new phenomena."
The findings are reported in AGU Advances.

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SPACE - S0 - 20200129 - Climate Mutiny, Dusty Plasma, Seismic Surprise

SPACE - S0 - 20200129 - Climate Mutiny, Dusty Plasma, Seismic Surprise

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Looks like we've got a bit of a "breeze" coming in from the Sun, folks. Currently the solar wind speed is 415KPS, after beginning its upward slope around midday yesterday thanks to the Southern coronal hole, hitting a high of nearly 500 KPS overnight. The KP index also rose into the KP-3 range (which is still in the safe zone), although the last reading went down a bit to KP-2. The magnetometer readings peaked around midnight UTC, but then took a nose dive immediately afterward. It's back on the rise. There was a release of one of the prominences on the NorthEast lim showing at 304Å, but this will have no effect on Earth. The Northern sunspot is getting further past the midpoint and appears to be decaying. However, while the Southern bright spot seems to appear active at 193Å, at 304Å it seems to be decaying and fading. The lithosphere was particularly active yesterday, with the kicker being a Mag 7.7 between Cuba and Jamaica (later downgraded to 7.3), with a follow-up Mag 5.3 off the Caymens. A tsunami warning had been posted, but the surge only seemed to be less than one foot, with the Caymens only reporting a 5" rise.
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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Readiness of German Army

German army is so short of armoured vehicles, soldiers have to jump out of cars and PRETEND they're driving tanks during training exercises

  • There is a shortage of the country's new line of Puma tanks worth £5 billion
  • 'Other vehicles (are used) to practice mounting and dismounting', ministry says
  • Only 20 per cent of the army's Pumas are working at operational level
  • Germany does not meet the two per cent guideline NATO spend on its military 
The German army is so short of armoured vehicles that soldiers have to jump out of cars and pretend they're driving tanks during training exercises.
The defence ministry confirmed troops were deploying 'other vehicles to practice mounting and dismounting' because of the lack of Puma tanks. 
Instead the soldiers were using cars because only 20 per cent of the army's Pumas are in working order, according to Bild.
The dire situation is reminiscent of German troops being required to use broomsticks painted to look like guns during a NATO exercise in Norway in 2014.
Leopard 2 tanks (left and centre) and the Puma tank (right) at the Bundeswehr infantry training facility in Munster. Soldiers are using cars in their training because of the Puma shortage
Leopard 2 tanks (left and centre) and the Puma tank (right) at the Bundeswehr infantry training facility in Munster. Soldiers are using cars in their training because of the Puma shortage
The ministry has said it is 'not satisfied' with the lack of infantry fighting vehicles.
Over the summer the costs of the 350 new Pumas ordered and the upgrades on the existing models had doubled from an estimated £2.5 billion to £5 billion, public broadcaster MDR reported.
The defence ministry blamed contractual issues and further unforeseen requirements to modernise its old tanks. 
Left wing politician Matthias Hohn had called it 'one of the largest planning errors by the Ministry of Defence.' 
The Pumas have been ordered to replace the ageing Marder tanks and to deploy with the NATO Response Force (NRF), the rapid reaction force created in 2002.
Germany has been consistently in the firing line from its NATO allies for not spending enough on its military.
Members of the alliance have pledged to spend at least two percent of their GDP on defence, but Germany still lags behind despite increasing its spend by more than £4.4billion in 2019.
President Donald Trump consistently harangued Angela Merkel for Germany's contribution, claiming country's like the Chancellor's got a 'free ride.' 
German soldiers stand at attention in Berlin. The government has long been accused of neglecting its military
German soldiers stand at attention in Berlin. The government has long been accused of neglecting its military 
The increased spend by the Germans only equates to 1.35 percent of GDP and it remains to be seen whether they will keep up with last year's commitment. 
The only country's meeting the NATO pledge are the US, Greece, the UK, Poland, Latvia and Estonia.
Britain is the second largest spender in the alliance after the US.  

Rewilding could prevent Arctic permafrost thaw and reduce climate change risks

JANUARY 27, 2020, by University of Oxford

Mosaic of images of the Arctic by MODIS. Credit: NASA

The wide-scale introduction of large herbivores to the Arctic tundra to restore the "mammoth steppe" grassland ecosystem and mitigate global warming is economically viable, suggests a new paper from the University of Oxford.

Grazing animals such as horses and bison are known to engineer the landscape around them, for example suppressing the growth of trees by trampling or eating saplings. When this process is harnessed to restore an ecosystem to a previous state it is called rewilding. It can also be used to change one ecosystem into a different but more desirable state. This is referred to as megafaunal ecosystem engineering.

In many parts of the world, forest ecosystems are considered the most important to restore due to their ability to store carbon. But in the Arctic tundra shifting the landscape from woody vegetation to grassland would enhance the protection of the carbon-rich permafrost, reduce carbon emissions associated with permafrost thaw and increase carbon capture in the soil.

This grassland ecosystem—called the "mammoth steppe"—existed during the Pleistocene period, but was lost when large herbivores such as woolly mammoths went extinct. Horses and bison could act as eco-engineers to transform present day tundra back to grassland. By removing woody vegetation, enhancing grass growth, and trampling on snow in search of winter forage, large mammals increase the amount of incoming solar energy that bounces back to space—known as albedo. Grasslands also favor the capture of carbon in the deep roots of grasses, and enable cold winter temperatures to penetrate deeper into the soil. Altogether, these changes would have a net cooling effect on Arctic lands and delay permafrost melt.

"The Arctic is already changing, and fast. Taking a "do nothing" approach now is a decision to allow rapid, irreversible changes to occur," says lead author Dr. Marc Macias-Fauria, head of the Biogeosciences Group at the School of Geography & the Environment. "Although the science of Arctic eco-engineering is largely untested, it has the potential to make a big difference and action in this region should be given serious consideration."

The Oxford-led study estimates that carbon emissions from thawing permafrost could be around 4.35 billion metric tonnes per year over the 21st century. This is around half as much as fossil fuels emissions and three times more than estimates of the emissions produced by current and projected land use change.

"Considering land use strategies aimed at protecting the Arctic permafrost has similar implications for climate change as land use decisions in other regions which currently receive much more attention," explained Professor Yadvinder Malhi, leader of the Ecosystems Group at the Environmental Change Institute. "We are not used to thinking about the Arctic in this way."

The Pleistocene Park, a family-run grassland restoration project currently operating in north-easternmost Russia, has already shown promising results. But the paper highlights that the scale of animal introductions needed to have a significant impact on Arctic tundra and therefore global climate poses a significant challenge. As a starting point there is now a need for large experiments at the interface of science and practice.

The fossil record has been used to estimate that in the Pleistocene, one mammoth, five bison, 7.5 horses, 15 reindeer, 0.25 cave lions, and one wolf per square kilometer roamed the area—around the animal density of present-day African savanna game reserves. Rewilding efforts would initially focus on bison and horses. Researchers cost the introduction and monitoring of three large-scale experimental areas consisting of 1,000 animals each at US$114 million over a period of 10 years. On a yearly basis, these areas would be able keep up to 72,000 tonnes of carbon in the ground and generate US$360,000 in carbon revenues alone, increasing once the research phase was conducted and scaling enabled more cost-efficient practices. Returns could be significantly higher if Arctic countries introduced carbon tax and pricing mechanisms, and the study constitutes a potential opportunity for UK-Russia cooperation on climate change mitigation. The logistics, costs and social considerations necessary to rewild the Arctic would be a monumental task—but the climate payoff could be mammoth.

Eco-engineering is one example of a natural climate solution, part of the wider framework of "nature-based solutions." The concept of nature-based solutions broadly refers to working with and enhancing nature to help address societal challenges, and is rapidly gaining traction around the world.

The paper is part of a thematic issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society focused on the interaction between ecosystems and climate change.

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Current model for storing nuclear waste is incomplete

JANUARY 27, 2020, by Laura Arenschield, The Ohio State University

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

The materials the United States and other countries plan to use to store high-level nuclear waste will likely degrade faster than anyone previously knew because of the way those materials interact, new research shows.

The findings, published today in the journal Nature Materials, show that corrosion of nuclear waste storage materials accelerates because of changes in the chemistry of the nuclear waste solution, and because of the way the materials interact with one another.

"This indicates that the current models may not be sufficient to keep this waste safely stored," said Xiaolei Guo, lead author of the study and deputy director of Ohio State's Center for Performance and Design of Nuclear Waste Forms and Containers, part of the university's College of Engineering. "And it shows that we need to develop a new model for storing nuclear waste."

The team's research focused on storage materials for high-level nuclear waste—primarily defense waste, the legacy of past nuclear arms production. The waste is highly radioactive. While some types of the waste have half-lives of about 30 years, others—for example, plutonium—have a half-life that can be tens of thousands of years. The half-life of a radioactive element is the time needed for half of the material to decay.

The United States currently has no disposal site for that waste; according to the U.S. General Accountability Office, it is typically stored near the plants where it is produced. A permanent site has been proposed for Yucca Mountain in Nevada, though plans have stalled. Countries around the world have debated the best way to deal with nuclear waste; only one, Finland, has started construction on a long-term repository for high-level nuclear waste.

But the long-term plan for high-level defense waste disposal and storage around the globe is largely the same. It involves mixing the nuclear waste with other materials to form glass or ceramics, and then encasing those pieces of glass or ceramics—now radioactive—inside metallic canisters. The canisters then would be buried deep underground in a repository to isolate it.

In this study, the researchers found that when exposed to an aqueous environment, glass and ceramics interact with stainless steel to accelerate corrosion, especially of the glass and ceramic materials holding nuclear waste.

The study qualitatively measured the difference between accelerated corrosion and natural corrosion of the storage materials. Guo called it "severe."

"In the real-life scenario, the glass or ceramic waste forms would be in close contact with stainless steel canisters. Under specific conditions, the corrosion of stainless steel will go crazy," he said. "It creates a super-aggressive environment that can corrode surrounding materials."

To analyze corrosion, the research team pressed glass or ceramic "waste forms"—the shapes into which nuclear waste is encapsulated—against stainless steel and immersed them in solutions for up to 30 days, under conditions that simulate those under Yucca Mountain, the proposed nuclear waste repository.

Those experiments showed that when glass and stainless steel were pressed against one another, stainless steel corrosion was "severe" and "localized," according to the study. The researchers also noted cracks and enhanced corrosion on the parts of the glass that had been in contact with stainless steel.

Part of the problem lies in the Periodic Table. Stainless steel is made primarily of iron mixed with other elements, including nickel and chromium. Iron has a chemical affinity for silicon, which is a key element of glass.

The experiments also showed that when ceramics—another potential holder for nuclear waste—were pressed against stainless steel under conditions that mimicked those beneath Yucca Mountain, both the ceramics and stainless steel corroded in a "severe localized" way.

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Space - Saturn’s mysterious moon could support alien life thanks to this new discovery

Saturn’s mysterious moon could support alien life thanks to this new discovery

By Chris Ciaccia, Fox News. January 24,  2020

This image of the geyser-spewing Saturn moon Enceladus was taken on Oct. 5, 2008, by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Saturn’s moon Enceladus has an even better chance of supporting extraterrestrial life than previously thought: Researchers have discovered its oceans are more complex than first believed.
The moon’s oceans shoot plumes of carbon dioxide into space, researchers have found, using data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The findings, published in Geophysical Research Letters, point to reactions between the water and the core of the celestial satellite as the source of the complexity, discovered thanks to a new technique the researchers used.
“By understanding the composition of the plume, we can learn about what the ocean is like, how it got to be this way and whether it provides environments where life as we know it could survive,” said Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) researcher Christopher Glein in a statement. “We came up with a new technique for analyzing the plume composition to estimate the concentration of dissolved CO2 in the ocean. This enabled modeling to probe deeper interior processes.”
The Cassini spacecraft intentionally plunged itself into Saturn’s atmosphere in September 2017 after it was launched in 1997 at a total cost of $3.9 billion ($2.5 billion in pre-launch costs and $1.4 billion in post-launch). It spent 13 years circling, studying and taking data of Saturn and its moons.
Combined with previous discoveries of molecular hydrogen and silica, the “abundance” of carbon dioxide reacting with the core of the moon and the water in the moon’s subsurface oceans add credence to the idea there are energy sources on Enceladus that could support life.
“The dynamic interface of a complex core and seawater could potentially create energy sources that might support life,” said SwRI’s Hunter Waite in the statement. “While we have not found evidence of the presence of microbial life in the ocean of Enceladus, the growing evidence for chemical disequilibrium offers a tantalizing hint that habitable conditions could exist beneath the moon’s icy crust.”
“The implications for possible life enabled by a heterogeneous core structure are intriguing,” Glein added. “This model could explain how planetary differentiation and alteration processes create chemical (energy) gradients needed by subsurface life.”
Prior to the flybys by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 in the early 1980s, not much was known about the “ocean-world” moon, despite it being discovered in 1789.
In 2017, NASA found the presence of hydrogen in its atmosphere, something Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said at the time could be meaningful as a “potential source for energy from any microbes.”
One year later, scientists made a startling announcement when they said they had found complex organic molecules, the “building blocks” for life, on the moon. Separately that year, researchers determined Enceladus’ ocean is likely 1 billion years old, placing it in the sweet spot for supporting life.
Enceladus is not the only celestial satellite of Saturn to intrigue scientists. In June, NASA announced the latest mission in its New Frontiers program. Known as Dragonfly, the mission will explore Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which could potentially host extraterrestrial life.
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