Tuesday, January 14, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200114 - CME from the Sun, 4 New Nova, Methane Oops

SPACE - S0 - 20200114 - CME from the Sun, 4 New Nova, Methane Oops

Good Morning, 0bservers!

A bit of a surprise as the solar wind continued its downward slope - the expectation was for it to have gone up by now from the coronal holes, but the speed has dipped below 300 KPS. A pretty hefty shift in the Phi-Angle around midday seems to have let a strong cosmic ray to punch through, as the KP Index stayed in the KP-1/KP-0 range, fluctuating near the bottom for the last 36 hours, so unless that solar wind picks up soon, expect a possible Zero Day Alert. Oddly enough, another surprise as there was a CME from the bright spot at center disk this morning. However, it seems to have popped Northward on the Sun, so the ejecta may miss Earth entirely, or at most give us a glancing blow. The lithosphere was pretty quiet, mostly low blot echos and a couple off-shore quakes near Mag 5.0. There've been no further emissions at the Taal volcano in the Philippines, but local vulcanologists are concerned that there is increased pressure building beneath it, so eyes on the island nation for what could be a hell of a blow.
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