Tuesday, January 7, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200107 - MAJOR Science Debunked, Big Earthquake, Plasma Nuclei

SPACE - S0 - 20200107 - MAJOR Science Debunked, Big Earthquake, Plasma Nuclei

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Starting off today with the lithospheric activity, considering there was a Mag 6.4 right off the south coast of Puerto Rico around 0320 EST, with a series of aftershocks at Mag. 5.6, 5.2 and 4.5. As mentioned yesterday, there's a tectonic oceanic ridge on the north side of the island, and if that goes in a higher quake there could be consequences for the Eastern seaboard. A Mag 6.2 also hit Indonesia a couple hours before that, with the rest of the activity at blot echo depths. Yesterday's solar wind speeds have lessened slightly but steadily since yesterday, last reading was around 430 KPS. The KP-Index normalized due to this, with mostly KP-1s and KP-2s with one brief KP-3 yesterday evening. Still seeing those deep downward spikes in the Electron readings, although not nearly as pronounced as yesterday, and the Magnetometer readings are more smooth and settled. The larger Southern coronal hole complex has passed the midpoint, and it already seems to be closing up. The sunspot in the South finally passed the meridian and appears to be less of a risk than initially thought, although we could catch a bit of activity if it lets out a CME in the next 24-36 hours. A new sunspot group just crossed the Eastern lim yesterday morning, but this one is almost smack-dab on the equator, so this one will be getting a bit more attention due to its position and potential risk.
Ben Davidson continues the Plasma Climate Forcing series, this one covering the effect on Jet Streams and Vortexes ...
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