SPACE - S0 - 20210501 - Ice Cycle, Recurring Nova, Solar Wind Incoming
Good Morning, 0bservers!
"Mayday? Why, that's the Russian New Year! We can have a parade, and serve hot hors d'oeuvres..." -- Johnny, Airplane!
C'mon, SOMEbody had to say it... ;)
Solar wind speed stayed relatively calm yesterday, with an upward surge from 300 KPS up to 360 KPS around 1500 UTC, before dropping back down a couple hours later. It's stayed pretty much in the 300-320 KPS range since then. The surge looks to be triggered by another polarity collision, which shifted the Phi Angle for a while, but that too seemed to stabilize from 180° to 90° after that point. Particle Density and Temperature also reacted to this, but not severely; that said, Particle Density is a bit elevated when compared to the time before the shift. KP-Index readings remain pretty steady and in the green, with KP-2s and KP-1s across the timeline. Yesterday's Magnetometer really reached for the heights, getting very close to 140 nT, but the lower end didn't dive too low. Proton Flux? As nominal as you can get without a prescription. However, the Electron Flux finally breached the Alert Threshold around the time of the polarity collision, but it looks to have dipped back down well below previous levels. The X-Ray Flux chart was a pleasant surprise, though - no real spikes or surges at all. Furthermore, the background radiation levels have moved lower into the middle of Class A range. That monster of a sunspot group in the Southern hemisphere has finally crossed the Western lim without any further ado (or adieu, come to think of it) and the solar surface is a lot less busy than just a few days ago. We do have one coronal hole in the South crossing the midpoint, and a very small bright spot up north inbound toward the center. However, that bright spot isn't really showing up on the Magnetogram, with no solid magnetic signature to speak of. Still, we'll keep an eye on it just to be sure.
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