SPACE - S0 - 20210526 - More Sunspots, Geomagnetic Wiggles, Solar Forcing
Good Morning, 0bservers!
So far we've lucked out a bit on the CMEs from the other day, they've had a minimal effect on Earth. Solar winds stayed generally calm, although there was a rise around 1600 UTC that stayed on until midnight, but that only capped out around 330 KPS and started dropping around 2200 UTC. At 1140 UTC it had dropped below 290 KPS, but it jumped to nearly 350 KPS only 20 minutes later. Particle Density had a steady rise throughout the period, and Temperatures started a slow reduction also around midnight UTC. The Phi Angle stayed pretty variable most of yesterday, but took a major jump around 0200 when the Bt/Bz polarities collided. Doesn't seem to have negatively affected the KP-Index, though, which remained in the KP-0/KP-1 range until midnight UTC, with a couple of KP-2 readings this morning. Oddly enough, though, NOAA is forecasting KP-5 and KP-6 stuff for this morning (which haven't yet materialized from their own readings) but this may finally be the leading edge of the larger of the CMEs. Eyes 0pen on that one. Magnetometer looks good as does the Proton Flux, but the Electron Flux did go above the alert threshold around noon UTC yesterday, dropping back below it at roughly 2000 UTC. X-Ray Flux readings started climbing around noon UTC yesterday as well to mid-Class B levels, then went down a bit around 0200 UTC, but there have been a few small spikes into Class C. The video loops were not too active until I got to 304Å and saw a release in the Southwest (lower right) quadrant. I had looked because the ENLIL spiral picked it up. The CME is moving ahead of our orbit, but we will catch a piece of it in the next few days. LASCO C3 image loops confirmed this on the NOAA website as well. Also observed a new sunspot growing ahead of the larger one (Beta-Gamma-Delta complexity), which is a bit odd and a bit worrisome should it build itself up on the "dark" side of the Sun. The Magnetogram is also showing a new sunspot group in the North but not yet reaching central heliographic longitude (Beta complexity) so it's already within striking range.
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