Monday, May 24, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210524 - Awaiting CME Impact, Atlantis Evidence, China Weather

SPACE - S0 - 20210524 - Awaiting CME Impact, Atlantis Evidence, China Weather

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Looks like I missed out on some serious solar activity yesterday, or more accurately on Saturday after the morning report. We ended up with three Class M flares Saturday evening, and then another one on Sunday just before noon UTC. All were Earth-facing. Right now, solar winds are relatively calm (330-350 KPS, after two full days of steady dropping), but expect that to rise later with the CME from Saturday, and continue with further CMEs yesterday. Not gonna be fun for those with cardiac, psychiatric, and immunodeficiency issues over the next couple of days, and it's hard to gauge the impact considering Earth's severely compromised magnetic field. Particle Density and Temperature have been decreasing as well, the Phi Angle is mostly stabilized since Saturday morning, but the Bt/Bz chart is showing a rather large gap between the two for more than 24 hours now. The KP-Index has stayed calm for the last 60 hours or so, with only KP-1/KP-2 readings, but as stated before that will change. The Magnetometer is showing a normal sine wave with one big difference - another potential (and thankfully brief Zero nT reading yesterday just after noon UTC. I hope this time it was just an anomaly in the readings and not a repeat of the issue we saw last week. Proton Flux readings remain nominal, as does the Electron Flux chart, but the latter is getting awfully close to the Alert Threshold. As mentioned before, the X-Ray Flux was pretty wild over the weekend but it has "calmed" since then, with only one mid-Class C spike around 1700 UTC yesterday, and a few mid-to-upper Class B spikes this morning. Background radiation levels have returned to the high end of Class A. The video loops show the main sunspot group is now crossing the midpoint. Not seeing any new coronal hole development, but I did see what appears to be a CME from the sunspot, and a further snap from a point in the Southern mid-latitudes. The ENLIL spiral seems to confirm this, so we've got another incoming item, perhaps impacting Earth with a glancing blow by Wednesday/Thursday.

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