Thursday, May 6, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210506 - Sun Erupting Again, Impossible Nova, Climate Forcing

SPACE - S0 - 20210506 - Sun Erupting Again, Impossible Nova, Climate Forcing

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds continued their downward trend yesterday from an early morning high of around 460 KPS to the 300-320 KPS range around 1800 UTC. It did bump back up to 350 KPS but has stayed steady since then around 310-330 KPS. Particle Density was steady until 1900 UTC when it rose a bit and stayed at that level throughout the period. Temperature, however, have had a lot of fluctuations starting at 1000 UTC from 4000°K to almost 5300°K and back again, with few periods of steady readings. Phi Angle readings were pretty messed up a few times yesterday, but they seem to have stabilized after 0200 UTC. KP-Index readings are quite low and steady, primarily KP-1s with a few KP-0s thrown in. The Magnetometer is showing nominal sine wave patterns for the past two days with no major highs or lows, save for one major "dip" in the readings near midnight UTC (which may have been an anomaly). Speaking of nominal, how 'bout those Proton Flux and Electron Flux readings, 'eh? Dull as dishwater, and that's a good thing! X-Ray Flux readings are a bit more interesting, though, with several minor spikes and surges showing up starting around 2100 UTC, three of them in the very low Class B flare range, and one around 0800 UTC up to the middle of Class B. We've got two minor coronal holes passing the midpoint today, one near the South pole and one near the North. The new bright spot in the Southern mid-latitudes has a smaller companion just crossing the lim about a day or so behind. The larger of the two continues to show magnetic complexity (Beta) but it's at a latitude where we could have problems with if it decides to pop its cork. I did see a blow-off of the Eastern lim, luckily it's not directed toward Earth. However, it is incoming so we might see more instability from that region in the coming days. 
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Climate Science Destroyed In 8 Minutes".


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