Thursday, May 27, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210527 - CME Impact, Grading Earth's Field, Deep Quake Revelation

SPACE - S0 - 20210527 - CME Impact, Grading Earth's Field, Deep Quake Revelation

Good Morning, 0bservers!

That jump in solar wind speeds from yesterday's report was definitely the leading edge of the CME impact, and it was a good'un! From a low of 280 KPS yesterday, it jumped to a high of 430 KPS around 0800 UTC. Particle Density jumped at the same time as the wind speed yesterday, and it took some pretty high leaps afterward as well, calming and then rising again. It's calmed significantly since midnight UTC, though. The Temperature chart looks more like a roller coaster ride, from a low of 4000°K to a peak of 5100°K, then dropping to 4200°K around 2200 UTC, then back to 5100°K at 0630 UTC, and now back to near 4000°K. If you read the chart on, take some Dramamine first... The Bt/Bz chart also did its impression of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, with massive gaps and occasional collisions, which in turn really messed up the Phi Angle readings. Those collisions coincided with some KP-Index jumps that went into the minor geomagnetic storm region (KP-4s) and a period of a level 1 storm (KP-5). The Magnetometer was also hit hard, with peaks above 150 nT and a low of about 45-50 nT (still above the threshold, though). The Proton Flux remains in the nominal range, but you can see a bit more variation in the three lines of data than usual. As to the Electron Flux, it again breached the alert threshold around 1800 UTC, but only briefly before returning to nominal readings. There were quite a number of spikes into Class C flare range on the X-Ray Flux charts, a couple of them reaching the middle, and background radiation levels remain in the upper B Class. There's a new coronal hole developing in the South at about 25°-30° latitude, approaching the center point. If it stays intact, it should pass the midline by Saturday morning. You can see the sparking/flaring of the two departing sunspot groups in the North best at 304Å and 131Å. I'm also seeing what appears to be an ejection this morning from both LASCO C3 and C2 (the latter is a few months behind in Earth's orbit so we can see what's coming), and it appears from both that the CME is facing away from us.

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