Saturday, May 22, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210522 - Sun Awakens, Flares/CMEs, Galactic Magnetism

SPACE - S0 - 20210522 - Sun Awakens, Flares/CMEs, Galactic Magnetism

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds drew down from their high of 600 KPS yesterday to a current 460-500 KPS. Particle density also took a slow but steady downward glide, almost a straight line at a shallow angle. Temperatures are just a couple hundred degrees Kelvin lower than yesterday, also in a slow slide. The Phi Angle is still pretty scrambled, but the Bt/Bz has stabilized significantly from 48 hours ago. The KP-Index is definitely calmer than before, staying steady at KP-1 since noon UTC yesterday. The Magnetometer has returned to a nominal sine wave, the Proton Flux is steady and straight, but the Electron Flux did climb quite a bit over the last 24 hours, coming pretty close to (but not breaching) the alert threshold. The X-Ray Flux charts showed three sharp spikes at 1800, 0300 and 0500 UTC, all into the mid/upper C Class range. The ENLIL Spiral is showing a small CME but it is moving well behind our orbit. It was also visible on the LASCO C3 (but again, they're showing a different direction, what's with that?). The video loops are a bit worrisome, as it shows those flares coming from the main Northern sunspot, and they're pretty strong. You can see Earth-directed CMEs at 193Å which should arrive by Monday, and very bright flashes at 301Å and 131Å (with one of the latter showing a very bright flash OFF the Sun by a good distance... wait, what?). The Northern coronal hole is just now passing central heliographic longitude, and I'm seeing that new sunspot from yesterday on the Magnetogram. The main one is quite large and complex there as it approaches center disc, but if you look at it in visible light it's far smaller. Go figure...

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