Tuesday, May 25, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210525 - Solar Storm Forcing of Earth Rotation and Axis Tilt

SPACE - S0 - 20210525 - Solar Storm Forcing of Earth Rotation and Axis Tilt

Good Morning, 0bservers!

There was a minor rise in solar wind speeds yesterday around 1000 UTC to 380 KPS (from the low point of 330 KPS) which appears to be from the smaller of the CMEs from last week. Looks like a Bt/Bz effect from the two polarities coming quite close, as it also bumped up the Temperature and Particle Density at the same time. Speeds calmed throughout the remaining period down to a current 300-320 KPS range. The Bt/Bz gap has widened since then, and the Phi Angle did shift moderately around 2200 UTC. Looks as if that didn't have any impact reading on the KP-Index either, as they've been staying in the KP-0/KP01 range since yesterday at 0600 UTC. Magnetometer and Proton Flux readings are nominal, but the Electron Flux did briefly cross the alert threshold around 1800 UTC. X-Ray Flux readings have calmed from a few days ago, with only a few small lower Class B spikes on the chart. However, the background radiation has risen somewhat, to just into the Class B range. Video loops show the new sunspot group in the Northeast quadrant is slightly less aggressive than before, and the departing (and larger) sunspot group has passed the midpoint but is still within striking range of Earth.

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