Saturday, May 29, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210530 - Large Solar Eruption, Mars Changes, Orion

SPACE - S0 - 20210530 - Large Solar Eruption, Mars Changes, Orion

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds stayed pretty much the same for most of yesterday in the 400-440 KPS range, but it dipped down to 380 KPS around midnight UTC, with a brief spike to 460 KPS around 0700 UTC, now in the 380-420 KPS range. Particle density was on the low side most of yesterday, but elevated rather sharply rose at 0400 and has not yet dipped, and Temperature readings have followed suit. Phi Angle readings have stayed similar to the previous report, and the Bt/Bz has also kept a steady gap. The KP-Index was quite calm, just a combo of KP-1s and KP-0s, and the Magnetometer is back to a shallow sine wave. Electron Flux readings are nominal, but here's a shocker - the Proton Flux is NOT! Yup, you read that right, and it surprised me too. but just after midnight UTC one of the four combined lines jumped out of nominal-world and shot above the 10 MeV warning threshold! Luckily, it only indicates a level-1 radiation storm, but still, that's a serious change. The X-Ray Flux remained jumpy, with a mid-Class C flare around 1000 UTC, a Class M flare at 2300 UTC, and another lower-Class C flare around 0730 UTC. You can see a massive blowout on the video loop at 193Å at that time index, pretty much covering the entire Northwest quadrant of the disc. The other wavelengths show the brightness of the flare (from the larger departing sunspot group) as well as its scope. It was big. The ENLIL Spiral show the ejection heading 90° away from Earth, ahead of our orbit, so you'd HOPE we wouldn't see any impact from that one. Problem is, it is a very large and very WIDE ejection, so we may catch a bit of this one in the next couple of days. The Magnetogram shows the large sunspot group just about ready to cross the lim in the next 24 hours, but it also shows a more "invisible" (to the naked eye and to the visible light image) sunspot group just crossing the midpoint. Looks like it's Beta complexity only and only about a quarter the size of the larger group, but just remember, those can change rapidly, and Earth is well within its striking range.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "CLIMATE FRAUDS | Experts on the Hook". This is THE BOMB, folks! He NAILS these lying liars who lie to their own fake research! Kudos, Ben! We're all proud of you!

Please Recommend this page and be sure to follow the Sputnik's Orbit 


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