Friday, May 21, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210521- Mega-Faunal Extinction, NOAA Fail, Flare Watch

SPACE - S0 - 20210521- Mega-Faunal Extinction, NOAA Fail, Flare Watch

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Boy, was I ever wrong about that "damp squib" comment from two days ago! Even yesterday I was doubting that we'd be hit by the CME/Coronal Hole combo. But right after yesterday's report, it hit. Thankfully it wasn't nearly as serious as the previous KP-7 from a week or two ago, only peaking out at KP-5 (level-1 geomagnetic storm), but it did have a long trail of KP-4s in its wake. Keep an eye on your loved ones or yourselves for the next day or so if you have cardiac, psychological or immunodeficiency issues. We're back in the green now, but remember the effects stay for 24 hours or so after the last high reading. Solar winds definitely kept their upward climb, topping out at nearly 600 KPS (moderate to strong) around 0500 UTC, and it's settled back to 550 KPS at last reading. Particle Density showed a steady climb until 1000 UTC and then a sharp drop, which precipitated the rapid speed increase. Temperatures also climbed throughout the period, peaking out at around 5700°K in the 1600-1800 UTC period, but that has since "cooled" to around 5200°K. As you can probably guess, the Phi Angle was seriously messed up all day and night, and the Bt/Bz had some of the wildest fluctuations I've seen. At one point, the two polarities collided so hard they pretty much wrecked the Magnetometer chart. It showed a point when the two met forced a drop to ZERO nT (albeit briefly - see here for the details). Trust me, that's not a good thing. Thankfully, though, it was a very short duration. And that drop occurred at the apex of its cycle, when it was at about 135 nT. The lowest point in the general curve yesterday was about 55 nT, and today it stayed above 60 nT as it bottomed out. Luckily, the Proton Flux and Electron Flux remained nominal. X-Ray Flux background radiation stayed mostly below the Class B flare line, but we have been seeing a number of small and frequent spikes this morning into mid-Class B range. The Northern coronal hole is extending itself from the pole as it approaches the centerline, with an additional gap showing up mid-latitudes. The X-Ray spikes seem to be coming from the large sunspot group in the Northeast (visible at 131Å) but I'm also seeing some activity at the Northeast lim from what appears to be a new sunspot group. Won't be able to see that one fully for at least another day or so. The view at 304Å shows more of that activity as prominences rise and fall at the lim.

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