Monday, May 3, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210503 - Climate Update, Cool Stuff in Space, Lightning

SPACE - S0 - 20210503 - Climate Update, Cool Stuff in Space, Lightning

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Looks like we caught a piece of that coronal hole stream from late last week, but there really wasn't much to it. Solar wind speeds stayed mostly in the 320-370 KPS range through most of yesterday, but around 0900 UTC we did see a rise above 400 KPS with a spike to 360 KPS. Particle Density was up and down a lot yesterday (mostly up) with no change in the wind, but around 0300 UTC it rose and then fell 90 minutes later, and that's when we got the boost in speed. Temperatures also took a move up with the wind speed, nearly 5700°K. Despite the rise in Particle Density, the KP-Index remains calm, with KP-1s and KP-2s. However, don't be surprised if we catch a quick (yet minor) geomagnetic storm today. Shouldn't really be a health risk, though. The Magnetometer is still getting up in the higher ranges a bit, but overall the pattern is nominal. Also nominal are the Proton Flux and Electron Flux. X-Ray Flux readings do show a spike in the chart just a short time ago (around 0700 UTC) but only to the top of Class A, while the background radiation remains in the middle of that range as it did all of yesterday. Not seeing any new coronal hole development on the video loops, but we do have some incoming bright spots on the Eastern lim, with the Southern one more predominant. That one is barely visible on the Magnetogram, but it does show very minor/small spots and minimal complexity.

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