Thursday, May 20, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210520 - Solar Wind Surprise, Unexpected Discoveries, Orion Object

SPACE - S0 - 20210520 - Solar Wind Surprise, Unexpected Discoveries, Orion Object

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Still no sign of that CME/Coronal Hole Stream, as the solar winds hit a low of 320 KPS around 0200 UTC, but it started climbing after that to just above 400 KPS. Particle Density was pretty steady throughout yesterday, but around 0400 UTC it started a steady rise. Temperatures rose around 0700 UTC yesterday and have stayed around 5000°K since 1400 UTC. The Phi Angle started to really get messed up around 2200 UTC, as the Bt/Bz gap started getting pretty variable around the same time. Ben says in the video that this is the sign of the approaching impact, but I have to admit that is seems like weak sauce at this point. There was a really large gap between the two around 0930 UTC, which may account for the higher wind speed and density readings. That said, the KP-Index remains in the green, but it has moved up to KP-3 for the past few readings. Not sure if we'll get a minor geomagnetic storm out of this or not. The Magnetometer had a higher high and a lower low than is usual, but it was still in the safe/nominal range and should be less extreme by tomorrow's readings. Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts remain nominal. X-Ray Flux readings were close to boring, with virtually no spikes in the last 24 hours, and the background radiation actually went down slightly. The video loops were equally dull, with only a slight expansion of that Northern coronal hole toward the pole, and no nasty activity from the large sunspot as it continues to turn toward the centerline.

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