Thursday, May 13, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210513 - Electrical Glitches, Solar Storm Effects, Nearby Nova Evidence

SPACE - S0 - 20210513 - Electrical Glitches, Solar Storm Effects, Nearby Nova Evidence

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Let's start with the KP-Index from yesterday...
Impressive, isn't it? Also a bit scary, and you'll see why at the bottom of this post with the new video from Ben Davidson about our magnetic "shield". KP-7 is pretty hefty, but we should be out of the health risks by tonight. Still, keep an eye on those who have issues with immunodeficiency, cardiac or psychological problems. Solar wind speeds peaked at nearly 550 KPS just before midnight UTC, but they've been steadily returning to a calmer 420-440 KPS range. Particle Density and Temperature have also gone down, and the Phi Angle seems to have finally stabilized around 1600 UTC, after a massive gap between Bt and Bz polarities returned to more acceptable levels. Magnetometer readings pretty much went nuts around noon UTC, right as the KP-7 impacted Earth, and peaked well above 140 nT just after that, but it seems to be returning to its normal pattern. Electron Flux readings almost hit the threshold around the same time, but didn't breach it, while the Proton Flux remained nominal. X-Ray Flux readings haven't been too bad, with the background radiation riding the upper third of Class A flare range, and a couple of mid-Class B spikes after midnight UTC. Looks like they came from the Northern sunspot group, with is just now crossing central heliographic longitude. The Southern group should be passing that point in a couple of hours. And the Southern coronal hole is set to begin crossing the center at the same time, taking about 24 hours or so to complete its transit. Got here a bit earlier than I had thought yesterday.
* * *
Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Earth's Field Struggles in First Test of Solar Cycle 25".

Please Recommend this page and be sure to follow the Sputnik's Orbit 


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