Tuesday, May 18, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210518 - Angry Sunspot, Multiple Eruptions, Electroquakes

SPACE - S0 - 20210518 - Angry Sunspot, Multiple Eruptions, Electroquakes

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds rose yesterday, but not from a coronal hole or CME impact, and not all that high, either. It peaked at around 440 KPS just before noon UTC, then dropped precipitously to just above 320 KPS less than four hours lter. It's been rising slowly since then with a current speed in the 380-400 KPS range. Particle Density rose about two hours after wind speeds hit their nadir, dropped a bit after midnight UTC for about four hours, then climbed back up again (but not sharply). Temperature readings spiked just before midnight UTC and again and 0330 UTC, but then dropped from a high of 5200°K to about 4400°K. The Phi Angle was a bit messed up a few times yesterday but mostly stayed in the 250°-310° range. The Bt/Bz readings, though, were a lot more variable, sometimes with wide gaps, sometimes meeting. So far the KP-Index isn't looking bad, we've only had one minor KP-4 geomagnetic reading around 0600 UTC, going back into the green at KP-3 immediately after. That will probably change later today when the coronal hole stream and/or minor CME impact us. The Magnetometer hit a high above 120 nT and then dropped to about 50 nT (around the same time as the KP-4 hit above) NOAA is forecasting a possible KP-5 today, but nothing after that. Proton Flux and Electron Flux readings remain nominal. There were a few minor spikes on the X-Ray Flux chart yesterday afternoon/evening, but only into the mid-Class B flare range. However, a flare cam in around 0300 UTC that just crossed into the bottom of Class C, with another lower-Class B spike around 0900 UTC. That Class C looks like it showed up on the ENLIL spiral, with an ejection moving AWAY from Earth, well ahead of our orbit. Which is quite odd, because when I view the video loops at 193Å, all the activity is on the Eastern lim, pointing behind our orbit. And it was active, too. Looked like several CMEs hitting one after the other. You could see some flashes on 304Å and 131Å as well. The Magnetogram image for that new sunspot group is worrisome, too. What little I can see of it as it crosses the lim is both large and complex. Another oddity was the LASCO C3 loop, which didn't show any apparent CME from either the Eastern or Western lims.

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