Wednesday, January 1, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200101 - Sunspots, Volcano, Cold, Electroquakes, Cosmic Errors

SPACE - S0 - 20200101 - Sunspots, Volcano, Cold, Electroquakes, Cosmic Errors

Happy New Year, 0bservers!

Well, the good news is the solar wind actually went UP overnight, due to a Phi-angle shift. Oddly enough, the KP index stayed pretty flat yesterday. We had one KP-2 from yesterday's report, but the rest of the day was KP-1, and the last three reports are back on the floor at KP-0, which (fingers crossed) will get back up soon. The speed is back up around to 330 KPS The electrons dipped with a number of heavy downward spikes. No organized coronal holes, no new bright spots, so Chuck in Cardinal, you might not win your bet today. In fact, the  polar coronal holes seem to have receded a bit. However, your bet might be valid in a couple of days, as there's an incoming sunspot coming in on the Southern hemisphere's high latitudes (looks like around 70° or so). but there as yet is no penumbral activity - not yet, anyway. Still, a stable Sol for the first day of 2020. The only quake of note was a Mag 5.4 in Northwestern Kashmir and another Mag 5.4 between Tonga and American Samoa. Otherwise, mostly blot echo activity in the lithosphere.
Here's another bonus video from S0, everybody, on Extreme Weather...
p.s. I know most of you already know this, but last night was NOT the "end of the decade" - after all, there was no "Year Zero", so the end of the decade is actually December 31st of 2020, not 2019! 
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