Saturday, May 30, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200530 - Two Solar Flares, Earthquake Watch, X-ray Beam in Space

SPACE - S0 - 20200530 - Two Solar Flares, Earthquake Watch, X-ray Beam in Space

Good Morning, 0bservers!

A rise in Particle Density a few hours ago brought the solar winds out of their zombie-like slow stagger, and up to a gentle stroll, as speeds ramped up to 380 KPS before dropping down to 360 KPS. The Phi Angle also shifted a bit a few hours ago, but after the rise in density and speed. The KP-Index was really low yesterday, with more KP-os than KP-1s, but it jumped up to KP-2 before and after midnight, followed by a KP-3, so that should blow away any cosmic radiation risks for a while. The X-Ray Flux calmed down considerably from yesterdays Class M spikes. The Northern bright spot is still in motion but I still haven't seen any underlying sunspots or magnetic complexity. Same for the bright spot in the South, for that matter. We have a new coronal hole tendril growing from the polar region, but this time, it's the North and not the South! A few equatorial holes try to form but they don't seem to retain cohesion. Looks like the deepwater temblors have returned off the coast of Vanuatu, with a Mag 5.3 followed five hours later with a Mag 5.2, another deepwater Mag 5.2 NE of New Zealand, a Mag 5.5 off Papua New Guinea, a Mag 5.4 deepwater over a thousand miles SW of Portugal followed by a Mag 5.5 in nearly the same spot less than 30 minutes later.
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