Monday, November 2, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201102 - "Unexplained" Polar Plasma Asymmetry, Titan, Moon Dust

SPACE - S0 - 20201102 - "Unexplained" Polar Plasma Asymmetry, Titan, Moon Dust

Good Morning, 0bservers!


Solar wind speeds took a further drop yesterday, from yesterday's early-morning peak of 420 KPS down to a low of 320 KPS, now in the 340-360 KPS range. There was a drop in the particle density as well, until there was a small jump around 0600 UTC, which was matched with the temperature. Looks like that might've been caused either by a small Phi Angle shift, or perhaps it is the vanguard of a coronal hole stream. We'll know later today. The KP-Index slowly rose throughout yesterday to a high of KP-3 (still in the green range), but took a precipitous drop right before midnight UTC down to KP-1, with KP-0s and KP-1s in the mix. The Electron Flux did dip below the threshold yesterday, but popped back over it before returning. The X-Ray Flux, however, was another story as we saw some mid-Class C flare activity in the early-to-mid evening timeframe, returning to the background Class B range. You can see the expulsion related to that surge as the Southern sunspot group blows a kiss to the rest of the system, nearly 90° ahead of our orbit. The new bright spots, both North and South, are showing more underlying complexity. We're also seeing some of the Southern coronal holes have passed the midpoint, but we'll have more of them passing today and those will be closer to the equator (and therefore a greater chance of impacting the planet).

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