Monday, November 30, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201130 - And Then the Sun Erupted, Welcome to Cycle 25

SPACE - S0 - 20201130 - And Then the Sun Erupted, Welcome to Cycle 25

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Wow. That was unexpected. We're starting with the X-Ray Flux today, because we had a MAJOR flare spike just after noon UTC. Bypassed the Class C flare range and went right up to the midpoint of Class *M*. At 131Å, 193Å and 304Å, those videos show a massive explosion and a major coronal mass ejection. Now, the good news - it was NOT facing Earth. This happened on a new sunspot group that was approaching the Eastern lim in the Southern part of the disc, so it hadn't yet crossed. The explosion (and that's what it was, seriously -- check out the videos over at SpaceWeatherNews) was facing about 100° away from (and behind) the planet. That said, that sunspot group WILL start facing us in a few short days. If you haven't got backup electronics stowed away in a PMFC (a Poor Man's Faraday Cage) you might want to consider a trip to the hardware store.
Now, there was OTHER solar weather yesterday as well. Like that boring old Solar Wind speed, don'tchaknow. It stayed mostly along the 380 KPS line until 0400 UTC, when a Particle Density rise precipitated an increase almost immediately to 420 KPS, with it continuing upward to a current 480 KPS. There was a mild temperature rise around the same time. The KP-Index stayed green all day and night, actually lowering through the day to KP-1 before popping up again to KP-3 right after midnight. Electron Flux and Magnetometer readings remain nominal.

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